Example sentences of "[noun prp] stepped into the " in BNC.

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1 Richard stepped into the flat silently and saw only that they were in a wide hallway before the door closed behind him .
2 For whose efforts on behalf of the fund I I really do thank them and I 'd like to make a special thanks to Lady Chandler , Lucy stepped into the breach as acting chair about a year ago and since I was elected has done a tremendous amount to help me settle in quickly and I hope effectively .
3 The Bank of England stepped into the currency markets three times yesterday morning , selling dollars and buying pounds .
4 The Bank of England stepped into the currency markets three times as the pound continued its slide below 3 marks — once seen as a level which would attract critical support from the Government .
5 Upstairs on the third floor Zen stepped into the inspectors ' room , but there was no one there .
6 Ardiles stepped into the row yesterday and said : ‘ I am very disappointed and angry that the name of West Bromwich Albion has again appeared in the press for all the wrong reasons .
7 Now she did not look like a young girl , she looked like the sister of a count , and Maggie stepped into the breach swiftly .
8 Piper stepped into the dome .
9 Mick nodded , and Ben Bradshaw stepped into the yawning void .
10 Kirov stepped into the street and began crossing towards the open park on the opposite side .
11 Sophie stepped into the shower through a billow of steam , her body a blur that trickled across the frosted glass .
12 Obediently Victoria stepped into the warmth of the fire and delicious aura of scent which the woman emanated .
13 Back at her block of flats , Alexandra stepped into the lift , then , about to press the button , hesitated .
14 Doyle stepped into the club bar , looked around and finally saw his new partner sitting at the bar itself , slowly drinking a pint of orange juice .
15 Zeno heard the difference and half turned as Pascoe stepped into the beam of the spotlight .
16 " You 're awake , " Senga stepped into the room , closing the door with her heel .
17 He 'd informed her of his intention to remarry , and she had commented favourably , so he was quite unprepared for her look of horror when Sarah stepped into the house .
18 Coleby stepped into the hall and stamped his feet on the mat .
19 Lee stepped into the living-room and Philip closed the door .
20 Suppressing a smile , Michael Lee stepped into the darkened hallway .
21 Philip stepped into the hall .
22 The last pig was struggling to keep its footing on the ramp when the door to the best room opened and Smallfry stepped into the hall .
23 Delaney stepped into the wheelhouse , his eyes taking in the smashed console , then dropping down to the grisly , earthly remains of Grant .
24 Evidence at the coroner 's court should have given him little confidence in the outcome , but events took an upward turn when Marion Lindo stepped into the witness box .
25 Sara stepped into the square dark-panelled hall .
26 Quinn stepped into the road , right in the man 's path , his arms raised , attaché case swinging from his left hand .
27 Angrily , Miles stepped into the hut .
28 With the arrival of the 1830s , Henry Hicks stepped into the background for , by 1833 , Charles Hooper was managing all three mills for Hicks Brothers .
29 ‘ There you are , dear , ’ Anna said as Caroline stepped into the room .
30 Handed the captaincy in place of the absent Stuart Pearce , and moved up front , Platt stepped into the shoes of another former leader , Gary Lineker , to perfection .
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