Example sentences of "[art] implication is [that] " in BNC.

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1 The implication is that style is inconsequential and almost content-free , and that speculative buildings are not really designed by architects , but by commercial forces .
2 The implication is that Mr Morita thought that he had a bargain .
3 The implication is that , to solve some kinds of problem , an animal must know that something is the case , and not merely that a given action or sequence of actions has in the past been reinforced .
4 The implication is that the Frankish foot soldier was skilled in all round weaponry , able to fight at a distance and at close quarters .
5 The implication is that sovereignty is not worth having , since we are totally constrained by what the Germans do anyway .
6 The implication is that poverty is due to lack of involvement with successful capitalist enterprise and , though a minority of the poor do become successful entrepreneurs by building up small businesses from street selling , the vast majority are poor because they are excluded from the modern economy .
7 The implication is that industrialisation was not the planned result of a dynamic , forward-thinking group but a reaction to a crisis ( Chilcote and Edelstein 1974 ) .
8 The emphasis on cell lineage in the worm is a little misleading since the implication is that the behaviour of the cells is entirely determined only by the lineage and not by cell signals .
9 The implication is that White women with bourgeois aspirations when denied sexual satisfaction are susceptible to ‘ irrational ’ racial prejudice .
10 The implication is that two injections are better than one , which is not always true , and that less strict glycaemic control is acceptable with a shorter expected lifespan , which seems reasonable .
11 The implication is that scanning systems should not be locked into continuous data on limited sectors of the environment … .
12 The implication is that some Upper Carboniferous rocks of the foreland are still in the oil window , and that even if fairly high regional palaeogeothermal gradients are assumed , the gas preservation limit is likely to be several kilometres deep where the high-volatile coals occur .
13 Since the anatomical asymmetries of human language areas first appear in utero , the implication is that preliminary stages of language acquisition could begin before birth .
14 The implication is that males need maintain high levels of vigilance only when in nuptial plumage .
15 As the likelihood of restricting drivers to eight km/h for all but the shortest distances appears remote , the implication is that all shared-space areas must be for small groups of houses only or short culs-de-sac .
16 The implication is that , depending on the preference of the church planter , YWAM may plant Baptist , Anglican , house church or another type of church , but not YWAM churches !
17 The implication is that the early Australians may have imported their basic mythology at some distant time or had experienced cultural intercourse with visitors from India in the not so remote past .
18 The implication is that what we really need is a properly enforced SSAP 6 approach .
19 The implication is that Saruman has been led from ethically neutral researches into the kind of wanton pollution and love of dirt we see in ‘ The Scouring of the Shire ’ by something corrupting in the love of machines or in the very desire for control over the natural world .
20 The implication is that these women were the sexual victims of men who just wanted a good time .
21 The implication is that ergonomics has been properly applied .
22 The implication is that pupil attitude change is not sufficient on its own to ensure that pupils will actually make non-traditional option choices .
23 So the implication is that in such instances animals also would be worse off .
24 The implication is that the king was housed elsewhere .
25 It is thus possible that , just as we are suggesting for some of the other finds at Mycenae , it was taken from Knossos : if so , the implication is that other pieces of statuary and relief carving from Minoan Knossos were also removed — by some Mycenean equivalent of Lord Elgin , perhaps .
26 The implication is that the animal is able to classify neutral events prior to learning and has a rule for what classes are relevant to particular outcomes .
27 As for how many personal computers could be supported by a local network-connected PS/2 , the company admits that it simply wo n't know until the code is finished , but the implication is that it will be many more than 40 , and that the local network might run out of capacity before the server will .
28 Certainly there has been a slump in revenue as competition and discounts bite , but the implication is that if IBM can somehow improve its margins again , the mainframe business will remain a money-spinner .
29 The implication is that Pope John sided with the minority at the first session and was ‘ upset ’ ( as the minority often asserted ) at the rejection of such excellent drafts .
30 If that supportive evidence is forthcoming then the implication is that vertebrates existed in the Late Cambrian , 510 million years ago , and some 40 million years before the appearance of vertebrate armour .
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