Example sentences of "[art] high incidence [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , the Peking Youth News has reported that ‘ many people ’ are worried about the high incidence of wrongful arrest and torture by martial law forces and police .
2 The heavy use of pesticides and chemicals in agriculture in Azerbaijan and the Central Asian republics is blamed for the high incidence of leukaemia , some of the worst infant mortality rates in the world , and liver disorders and cancer of the oesophagus .
3 This is the reason for the high incidence of pre-menstrual tension among women who find it particularly difficult to relax or unwind .
4 Nonetheless , the high incidence of illness and disability , especially among the most elderly , underlines the need for positive health care and treatment .
5 The high incidence of shoplifting among women , for example , reflects the day-to-day activities in which female criminality is liable to be expressed .
6 However , since , in the mixed condition , the high incidence of singular references is associated with continuations based on the named-character , support is gained for the idea of contrast over mixed description types , influenced or driven by a tendency to isolate a named character through its elevation to status of ‘ principal character ’ ( cf.
7 The motivation behind this research , carried out by H. Greenfield , J. Maples and R. B. H. Wills , of the School of Food Technology , University of New South Wales , is the recent concern in the medical profession that too much salt in the diet may be one cause of the high incidence of hypertension among people in the developed countries .
8 Young people are unlikely to be affected by statistics showing the high incidence of disease and early death among smokers .
9 Because of the high incidence of salmonella enteriditis , a strain which resides in chickens , a link has been made between poultry farming methods and food poisoning .
10 Reference was also frequently made to the low standard of programmes , the high incidence of breakdowns during transmission , and other technical and production weaknesses .
11 A consequence of the overpopulation has been the high incidence of malnutrition and communicable diseases found in Bangladesh .
12 It became recognised that the suffering experienced by the people of Bangladesh as a result of the high incidence of diarrhoeal diseases could be relieved , at least partially , by Oral Rehydration Therapy .
13 However , the high incidence of dangerous lobon-gur solutions was very worrying , especially since those unions in the Concentrated Reinforcement Programme were the greatest offenders .
14 It is to be hoped that , in the long term , the high incidence of diarrhoea in Bangladesh may fall ( as discussed in Chapter 2 ) .
15 The high incidence of vessels compared with dishes may , as Evison suggests ( ibid. ) , imply that they arrived as containers of oil or wine ; the crude workmanship of some examples may emphasise that the contents were more important than the packaging , even though they may have been viewed as valuable objects in some secondary function .
16 There is evidence that the high incidence of unemployment amongst black people will make housing conditions , especially overcrowding , worse as young unemployed people are finding it difficult to move out after marriage and set up their own homes ( Brah , 1986 ) .
17 Worst of all was the high incidence of epidemics , chronic sickness , and malnutrition .
18 Indeed , the research evidence is so strong that it is now reflected in the high incidence of work teams , ‘ away days ’ for functional groups and courses in team-building .
19 Exceptions have been made in four areas where the high incidence of large industrial users quickly took up the 15% , but attempts by the EIUG to have the concessions extended have been rebuffed by Littlechild .
20 It appears , therefore , that despite the high incidence of stenosis , the majority of patients have a relatively benign prognosis , at least in the short-term .
21 The high incidence of unanimous decisions suggests one of two things .
22 Dr. Evan Lloyd had reached the conclusion that there was a link between the high incidence of heart disease in the west of Scotland and ‘ environmental cold stress ’ .
23 Again , there are no national figures but a number of local studies indicate a high incidence of certain physical and sensory impairments amongst black and Asian communities ; the high incidence of sickle cell anaemia and thalassaemia among people of Caribbean and Mediterranean origin is also well known .
24 The most common of these is the high incidence of arthritic and rheumatic problems ; other specific examples include blindness and neurological problems associated with long-term diabetes ; chronic pain resulting from building up immunity to certain drugs , such as morphine ( various groups ) ; chronic respiratory problems caused by spinal deformity ( scoliosis ) ; and a variety of physiological problems coming under the heading of ‘ post-polio syndrome ’ .
25 The high incidence of prostatic obstruction in this study emphasises that finding a raised creatinine concentration in any male necessitates careful palpation of the abdomen and prostate .
26 The high incidence of metastatic and thus incurable disease at presentation is sufficient evidence that a large group of patients might be helped if the disease was detected earlier .
27 In view of the high incidence of these arrangements in Leeds , and their adoption and dissemination during a period when the massive resourcing of PNP appeared to have little impact on reading test scores , it might be worth carefully pondering HMI 's finding , referred to towards the end of the previous chapter , that
28 Explained , no doubt , by Conservatives not by their drive to break the ‘ dependency culture ‘ , whatever the human cost , or the low levels of pay for women workers , but moral inadequacy which has led to the breakdown of families and the high incidence of single mothers .
29 This policy is currently in question because of the high incidence of cross addiction to these substances but there is still a long way to go before Treatment Centres generally recommend abstinence from all these substances from the first day of recovery .
30 Ben-Ner ( 1984 : 248 ) , for example , cites , among explanations for the high incidence of liquidations of producer cooperatives , ‘ their inability to settle personal disputes , their lack of discipline in the absence of a central monitor [ and ] their low motivation caused by excessive egalitarianism ’ .
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