Example sentences of "[art] social sciences [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The social sciences studied during training have entirely failed to provide teachers with a new working vocabulary .
2 So the social sciences groan under the weight of occupational , educational , demographic , gender , ethnic and many more categories of data collected cross-culturally , but offering little if any insight into the global system as a whole .
3 Few words in the social sciences cause such debate as the word ‘ power ’ .
4 On the contrary , few aspects of the social sciences show quite so clearly the importance of value in explanation as the capacity of social science theories , whether middle range or general , to return in modified guises after apparently destructive attack .
5 The social sciences took up the challenge and , importantly for the development of International Relations , paraded economics as an exemplary application of scientific method to human affairs .
6 The council will be sponsored by three major research organizations in Germany — the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft ( DFG ) , the Max Planck Society and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation — and in the United States by the National Academy of Sciences , the American Council of Learned Societies , the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Social Sciences Research Council .
7 The truth is that the social sciences reflected the pre-conceptions and problems of bourgeois liberalism in its classic form , which was not found in Germany , where bourgeois society inserted itself into the Bismarckian framework of aristocrats and bureaucrats .
8 In Britain , it was mainly left to social anthropology among the social sciences to sustain a theoretical development based on empirical research .
9 Luckily perhaps for those who believe in human free will , however , this was not the complete and only picture on offer when the social sciences began to take shape at the end of the eighteenth century .
10 Much current research in the social sciences involves close observation over time of the behaviour of a small number of individuals .
11 The social sciences thrive on two intellectual traditions .
12 Reading Skills for the Social Sciences tackles these problems and talks clearly to the learner .
13 The social sciences embody a range of sometimes conflicting stances towards the human world .
14 This study has illustrated the ways in which the social sciences created ‘ new knowledges ’ as they revolutionized themselves , and none more so than psychology which obtained its influential position by applying itself to a number of ‘ practices ’ involving problems of the ‘ abnormal functioning ’ of either individuals or institutions .
15 The second point is more difficult , for how often in the social sciences do we have ‘ complete knowledge ’ of a cause/effect relationship ?
16 For the concept of the social sciences has provoked extreme , and sometimes ludicrous , reactions in recent years .
17 Thus the nature of local politics has changed over the post-war period , and we will now look at the way this has been analysed , to see if the debates within the social sciences have kept pace with material change .
18 The decline of religion and the growth of the scientific world-view have meant that ‘ Both the natural sciences and the social sciences have succeeded in gaining a proper autonomy from ecclesiastical control . ’
19 The problem with Professor Preston 's method is his assumption that the social sciences have a legitimate independence from Christian theology .
20 For the social sciences have more to gain from each other than they have to lose , and the precise origin and pedigree of new findings and theories is of little importance so long as they extend and expand our understanding of the world .
21 Analogously , the social sciences have often employed notions of equilibrium and of what is functional or dysfunctional for achieving and maintaining equilibrium .
22 It is for the humanities to speak up for the value of retrospective conversion , and for some national planning to be undertaken to achieve this , as they , and to some extent the social sciences have most to gain from such an investment .
23 The social sciences study social action .
24 This fits neatly with his initial remark that the social sciences study social action and that action is connected with the subjective meaning which the acting individual attaches to it .
25 It is not the case that social science theories , once their value-components or culture-boundedness have been revealed , are for that reason relegated to the local museum of the social sciences to become an object of quaint curiosity .
26 This optimism was borne out of a confidence in the ability of the social sciences to provide the basis for social policies ; in the State to administer those policies ; in the superiority of middle-class culture ; and in psycho-medicine to understand and explain individual behaviour .
27 It is one of Marx 's greatest contributions to philosophy and the social sciences to have pointed out the systematic relationship between knowledge and historical and social processes .
28 Many studies in the social sciences involve the collection of quantitative data .
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