Example sentences of "[art] new era of " in BNC.

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1 If doctors are worried about entering the new era of ‘ market medicine , ’ it is partly because they feel under-equipped for it .
2 Sindicut prove that the new era of UK hip hop ignited by Jungle Brothers and De La has been fully absorbed and expanded
3 Both weak and electromagnetic interactions need to be included in precise calculations of atomic properties or high-energy electron scattering ; but the new era of physics involving the discovery of the X and Z particles with masses given in terms of the electric charge and weak coupling has not yet arrived .
4 Thousands were still eking out an existence in China 's desolate border regions , their sacrifices and hardships almost forgotten in the new era of reform .
5 John Le Carré 's The Russia House is a spy thriller which revolves around the new era of glasnost in the Soviet Union .
6 There are also signs that in the new era of competitiveness between them , institutions are becoming reluctant to open their course offerings to the critical gaze of panel members drawn from institutions competing for contracts with the funding bodies .
7 Even so , they belong to the new era of Celtic studies which , as we shall soon see , was inaugurated and encouraged by the Romans .
8 The new era of the " Third Polish Republic " was beginning .
9 For him , trade unions were an example of attempts to create a substitute for Gemeinschaft ; one appropriate for the new era of capitalist industrialisation .
10 Where are their democratic rights Is this the new , I quote , the new era of democratic rights about which was talking yesterday ?
11 Perhaps in the new era of encouragement for native industries where the UK retains quality and price competitive advantages , a change in approach should receive consideration from the Chancellor of the Exchequer .
12 Families of British hostages held in Beirut hope that the new era of co-operation will help win freedom for their loved ones .
13 Families of British hostages held in Beirut hope the new era of co-operation will help will freedom of their loved ones .
14 After Brunnhilde throws herself on to the pyre Valhalla comes to an end , to be replaced by a new era of human love .
15 But the bias towards defence and security ( which have historically been natural right-wing issues ) might well persist and offset Labour 's advantage as the incumbent government , unless the 1989 Year of Revolutions in Eastern Europe ushers in a new era of world peace and tranquillity .
16 I knelt and prayed , not only for guidance and inspiration in the carving , but that a new era of peace and honesty should invade my life whilst I worked … ’
17 Humiliating and unrealistic conditions should set off an alarm in the coalition 's collective head : they carry echoes from 1919 of Versailles , the treaty that ended ‘ the war to end all wars ’ and brought Europe , and the world , a new era of instability .
18 Certainly they instituted a new era of divine patience and forgiveness .
19 There is no doubt that Napoleon III 's Italian policy , which seemed the prelude to a new era of French expansion , had alarmed the other European powers .
20 It is the only genre that was born and nourished in a new era of world history and therefore it is deeply akin to that era , whereas the other major genres entered that era as already fixed forms , as an inheritance , and only now are they adapting themselves — some better , some worse — to the new conditions of their existence .
21 Mr Ormond 's compromise revealed another unpublicised chapter in the shady saga of Scottish football , a new era of player power was brewing which threatened to usurp the manager 's authority .
22 I think everyone felt it was stodgy ; it was not a dynamic springboard from which we could leap into a new era of effective education .
23 The market at the moment appears to be on the threshold of a new era of intellectual popularity .
24 After her veto of the Alvey committee 's plans to use government money to back a new era of computer research ( last issue , p 3 ) , ministers have now postponed publication of their White Paper on cabling Britain because two government departments can not agree on how it should be paid for .
25 On that day , various poptastic things happened all over the world , all to convince you that AIDS is a terrible thing , that safe sex does n't mean no sex and that we must all love one another and usher in a new era of positivity etc etc .
26 The 1990s shepherded in a new era of compassion .
27 A new era of difficulty had dawned .
28 With the premature end of apprenticeship came abolitionist anticipation of a new era of orderly progress in liberty .
29 The NCCK welcomed the decision and said that it signalled a new era of reconciliation , justice , tolerance and brotherhood .
30 Just as the 1972 Conference on the Environment and Development in Stockholm is said to have ushered in a new era of international cooperation ( at the very least , it led to the creation of the United National Environment Programme ) , so its 1992 successor could just provide all world leaders with some kind of working map for the future .
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