Example sentences of "[art] kind of person " in BNC.

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1 WILFRED THESIGER is exactly the kind of person television companies like to make films about .
2 ‘ He 's a super guy , the kind of person you 'd like your sister to go out with , ’ one of his handlers said .
3 I am not the kind of person to be treated seriously , in Bob 's jargon .
4 Use your diary to form a picture of the kind of person you are when it comes to food intake .
5 He has this image in his head of the kind of person he 'd like to be , it 's a cartoon character … something about 2000 AD .
6 It influences the kind of person you become and I think we certainly recognise the relationship between worshipping in beautiful buildings and the nature of one 's belief .
7 He 's not the kind of person any of them want to have as a friend .
8 It heals us of depression and sadness , as if they were intrinsic to the kind of person I believe myself to be .
9 ‘ If every dog is marked at birth and registered , the kind of person who wants to throw out a dog onto a motorway will seek to remove the identifying mark — it does n't take a moment with a Stanley knife to remove an ear tattoo , or to use a drop of acid to burn off a brand .
10 Yet his persistence and a clear vision of the kind of person that he wanted , plus a gambler 's luck finally paid off .
11 Writing advertisements is quite an art but most jobs do not demand a particularly exceptional approach , merely a high degree of clarity about the kind of person needed .
12 The kind of person you are looking for is indicated in section 5 but other questions to ask yourself might be :
13 If I started again I would like to have … ( 1 ) a ghost writer , not for my speeches but for my letters and statements : he would be the kind of person who could take the Ministry 's policy and translate it into the kind of words I would use ; ( 2 ) perhaps an economist ; and ( 3 ) a general investigator whose job it would be to brief me so that I could participate intelligently at Cabinet Committees and in Cabinet on subjects outside my own Department .
14 ‘ He is the kind of person who thrives on arguments , he could start an argument in an empty house . ’
15 Children are influenced most by example and by the kind of person the step-parent is . ’
16 Tim Renton is obviously the kind of person who would turn the volume down on a Johnny Mathis 78 .
17 I ca n't say that I looked too far ahead , probably because I 'm the kind of person who lives for today .
18 ‘ Anyone who knows Jo would realise that she 's not the kind of person to do that , ’ he said .
19 Talking right into the eye of the camcorder lens is either fun or something of an ordeal depending on the kind of person you are .
20 If you 're not the kind of person who is used to daydreaming , try a simple one first .
21 This chapter looks at some of the methods you can use to explore the kind of person you are .
22 You are the kind of person who likes to get to the hands-on stage as soon as possible in the learning cycle .
23 You are the kind of person who likes to understand how things work and how they are put together .
24 I 'm not the kind of person who is afraid of letting a woman take charge professionally , personally — or sexually .
25 Can you now describe the kind of person you are as an adult ?
26 ‘ I do n't really worry about not being a macho kind of guy for my fans because that is not really the kind of person I am .
27 He is the kind of person you want to beat because you hold them in such high regard . ’
28 You may be the kind of person who finds it easier to have sex than to talk about it , whether with new or regular partners .
29 ‘ I 'm not the kind of person that talks about my problems — I 'd rather sort them out myself .
30 The designer needs to know about the tasks which his new device is intended to aid and also about the kind of person who will use it .
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