Example sentences of "[art] hour [unc] walk " in BNC.

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1 However none of the mourners ( who apparently included Salieri ) wanted to undertake the hour 's walk to the cemetery .
2 The silvery yellow of the highland sunrise — the city is 4,000 feet above sea level — brings out women with bright yellow and green jerry-cans , collecting water from a communal pipe-line , office-workers and shop assistants beginning the hour 's walk to work , men from the surrounding villages with matooke ( green bananas ) , sugar-cane , charcoal and wood slung from ancient creaking bicycles .
3 An hour 's walk in the countryside will dissipate any uncomfortable feelings absorbed from others .
4 I could equally describe the dense wilderness that settles on you like a heavy hand , barely an hour 's walk from Yosemite 's granite architecture .
5 Holly coming back to the bench after an hour 's walk that had taken him to the ski jump where the young people gathered to watch the first of the winter 's athletes propel themselves into the dizzy air flows .
6 If these early farmers were able to satisfy their biological needs from resources obtained within an hour 's walk of their home bases , the ‘ site catchment areas ’ of Higgs and Vita-Finzi , this was far from enough to satisfy their full requirements as human beings .
7 For though I doubt if he 's ready to own to it yet , I know of another who can and will testify that the two of them were together until the bell sounded for Compline , which would be the better part of an hour later than you have in mind , and a quarter of an hour 's walk from the place , into the bargain .
8 Fortunately , we had friends at Kelton , which was on the way , about an hour 's walk into the journey , so one could stop and rest .
9 Not only walking to do the shopping but walking to work when men would have to get up at 4.0 a.m. with , in some cases , an hour 's walk to get to work .
10 It 's not an hour 's walk . ’
11 Today John had gone out to lunch before her and she ate her sandwiches quickly , then started out on the brisk quarter of an hour 's walk to her uncle 's church .
12 Here , hut half an hour 's walk from the nearest Woolworth 's arid Marks & Spencer , there were tarns and gills and Druids ' circles ; golds and purples ; curlews , waterfowl and plovers ; wild campion , forget-me-not and mountain flowers .
13 The dark castle lay within an hour 's walk .
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