Example sentences of "[art] [adj] speed limit " in BNC.

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1 For each subject the free speed was calculated as a proportion of the prevailing speed limit at the site and where there was more than one site available the average value was taken .
2 In a country where the top speed limit is 70mph , why do they make 140mph cars ?
3 If you drive from er I remember being stopped by one of those men in the dark glasses erm if you drive from Maine into New Hampshire the speed limit in Maine is sixty five and the speed limit in New Hampshire is fifty five and you just cross a si er y there 's a signpost which says welcome to Maine or New Hampshire , whichever way you 're going , and the second you cross that line , theoretically , you have adjust to the different speed limit .
4 SAILORS who break the eight-knot speed limit at Poole harbour , Dorset , face radar traps and hefty fines .
5 The 113 kilometres from Bucharest to Piteŝti is the only stretch of four-lane motorway in Romania and the national speed limit of 100 k.p.h. applies on it .
6 well he says it 's the national speed limit , seventy
7 that 's what mile do you do on it ? , like some people might think the national speed limit , but it 's not that 's fifty or sixty
8 the national speed limit , aye
9 In Britain the legal speed limit was 12 mph but since they broke down frequently speed was of little consequence .
10 The complainant considered that the advertisement was likely to encourage drivers to drive in excess of the legal speed limit .
11 Dad ran a garage and petrol station on the main road through Strathspeld village and Mum had a wee gift and coffee shop ; Dad had been worried after the Six-Day War when they 'd introduced the fifty-miles-an-hour speed limit and even issued fuel-rationing books , but that had n't lasted very long and , even though petrol cost more nowadays , people were still travelling and using cars .
12 Suppose you sometimes feel tempted to drive faster than the allowed speed limit , perhaps because you are in a hurry or because you decide that it is quite safe to do so and that the speed limit is unnecessary .
13 I did n't know there was a different speed limit between , between the two states .
14 It also calls for a rigid speed limit to be imposed on motorists and for short-term parking bays to be made available .
15 Just the car to have on an island full of lots of narrow , high-hedged twisty roads and a 60-miles-per-hour speed limit .
16 In the motorway cruise mode , for instance , the Fiesta is quiet and relaxed at 70mph in fifth with only the smallest traces of road and engine noise and no wind noise at all — even when crossing the Forth Road Bridge under a storm-induced speed limit .
17 With like at stake , she does n't think it 's asking too much for a reduced speed limit , crossing and street lights .
18 On discovering the fretting , he informed the chief civil engineer who imposed a strict speed limit on the bridge .
19 The government 's being urged to bring in a new speed limit on one of the region 's worst accident blackspots .
20 The road had a 30-mph speed limit .
21 An extended speed limit would go a long way towards making this road safer for all users and would be relatively inexpensive .
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