Example sentences of "[prep] her naked [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Beside him Chantal tossed restlessly , the tangled sheet half off her naked body .
2 Under her heavy clothes , she felt filthy , as if there were a layer of vermin-ridden earth between her naked skin and the fabric .
3 She placed the palms of her hands on the seat of the chair in front of her , and was immediately intensely aware of her naked posterior curving outwards towards him .
4 She was very aware of her naked skin underneath those covers — which was ridiculous .
5 She generally was n't aware of her naked skin underneath the cover of her clothes !
6 His long hand moved to the back of her naked throat , making her gasp .
7 Then , impatiently , he was pulling the T-shirt aside , freeing her breast from her bra and taking hold of her naked flesh .
8 The gown was long , seemingly demure — but when she shifted her weight , he caught a flash of her thigh , and when she turned — God , when she turned , he could see the length of her naked spine
9 With one final intimate raking of her naked form as if unable to help himself , he allowed the curtain to swish back into place .
10 Slowly raising his head , Ross stared down at his wife , his grey eyes stormy with passion as he gazed at the blonde hair forming a golden halo about her head , and the creamy skin of her naked body , gleaming in the light of the soft lamps .
11 The stun gun was applied to parts of her naked body and activated , the jury was told .
12 Suddenly , as his hands closed over her breasts , she realised that the black lace jacket of her suit was somehow unbuttoned and he was tugging down the lacy bra cups , whispering hotly against her naked throat , and as his head moved lower and his mouth closed hotly over her erect nipples she twisted beneath him , moaning , clutching his dark head as she felt his teeth graze her with agonising pleasure .
13 Sylvia found herself with her naked slit facing the ceiling , and felt his fingers busily parting her thick cunt-lips .
14 ON THE sleeve of Suede 's debut single , ‘ The Drowners ’ , there is a picture of a female model made up to look like a man , with her naked body hidden beneath a painted-on outfit .
15 He had slid one hand beneath the thin wool sweater , causing her skin to judder as he made contact with her naked midriff .
16 And to be his was what she wanted — which made it such a nonsense that when , as he caressed his hands over her naked behind and then pulled her to him , that as her body came into contact with the pure maleness of him , she experienced a moment of totally unexpected panic .
17 As she lay there on her bed Maggie suddenly raised her arms , breaking the iconic cruciform of her pose , and ran her hands over her naked chest .
18 A curtain of water gushed like transparent silk over her naked form , making her skin appear luminous and highlighting every curve beneath his ruthless gaze .
19 And she laughed her laugh , that shocking laugh which turned heads and caused her to blush and put a hand over her naked mouth .
20 The delicate tracing of his fingers over her naked breast nearly clouded her mind off forever .
21 Having made his choice , he showed her a short , stout leather strap , before applying it to her naked seat .
22 Even when she 's begging , there 's a sinister obsession to her naked desire .
23 She tried to convince herself he was still there — smirking at the sight of her in the ropes he 'd tied to her naked body .
24 He could walk between her parted legs , and do what he wished to her naked vagina .
25 Blushing furiously she turned away but still she felt the eyes of the Frenchman on her naked back .
26 All eyes were on her naked body .
27 She wanted to feel Roman 's skin against her and his hands on her naked body .
28 She could not remember when poor old Frederick had last gazed in lust at her naked body , not like Debbie 's husband had .
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