Example sentences of "[prep] what actually happen " in BNC.

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1 Most women gain most of their knowledge of the criminal justice process from the media since few will have attended actual court cases or learnt from friends of what actually happens in the criminal justice system .
2 The point I would like to put over is , I 've listened to one or two erm , radio programmes , and television programmes about this and I personally would like to have more evidence of what actually happens to the animals .
3 We are arguing , on the basis of what actually happens in classrooms , that a purist adherence to any methodological orthodoxy can generate considerable problems , that these need to be addressed openly , and that in any event the notion that the act of teaching can be made the subject of procedural mandates is suspect and unrealistic .
4 The implicit curriculum is what is received through the total impact of what actually happens in school .
5 There are two perceptions of what actually happened in the village that day .
6 Self-representation in this way was never as systematically developed as the products of modern propaganda machines , but , as with the study of portraiture , it can be very revealing about the aspirations and claims of any regime , matters which are as interesting to the historian as the reality of what actually happened .
7 Accounts differ as to who was present and how many vehicles they had , so what follows is an approximation of what actually happened .
8 The Video-wall presentation attempts to give an impression of what actually happened over those 18 tumultuous days between the reading of the Proclamation and the execution of James Connolly .
9 For a variety of reasons this type of explanation must be rejected today and the explosive diversification of Metazoa across the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary , as recorded in the strata , is now generally accepted as being a true reflection of what actually happened ( Stanley , 1976 ; Seilacher , 1977 ) .
10 But whether or not it is a completely accurate report of what actually happened is perhaps not the point .
11 This may not be very accurate as a depiction of what actually happened , but it is extremely valuable in showing the myths and popular interpretations that have grown up afterwards .
12 Gregory 's account of what actually happened is laconic in the extreme .
13 He was at the conference , and a lot of the book , if you read the book , is concerned with what actually happened at the conference , and basically , the basic problem with the , the book tries to look at , and this is where we , we get back to question of the childhood days .
14 The pursuit of fantasy solutions has repeatedly drained energy from the much more difficult business of pursuing workable models for change which are rooted in what actually happens and could be made to happen in our schools .
15 Do they have any choice in what actually happens ?
16 It is a beautiful and very moving story , marred only by the fact that it does not bear the remotest resemblance to what actually happens .
17 Once the teaching unit has reached the stage of a draft computer program which does what the designer intends , together with associated notes which describe what the program offers and its possible uses in the classroom , we need to consider in more detail how to collect essential information as to what actually happens when the unit is used .
18 Some may think that these are just nice debating points , and that they bear little relationship to what actually happens .
19 What we appear to have here is a system where the structure of intervention , as displayed in the file data in other areas , bears only an indirect relationship to what actually happened in Team D. ( The specialist worker in Team C may have been operating in ways that in some respects are not wholly dissimilar , but the approach of the specialist team would seem radically different ) .
20 This refers to what actually happened — The girl failed to show up .
21 Perception is not conceived as a direct grasping of an occurrence here but rather as the means by which the perceiver obtains a resulting impression which may or may not correspond to what actually happened .
22 Adler 's study of eighty rape trials examined actual court procedure in detail , providing evidence on what actually happens rather than what should .
23 The most important expectations surrounding social roles are not just statements about what actually happens — about what a person will do , out of habit and so on — but are norms outlining things which a person occupying his or her status is obliged to do .
24 Very little has been said about what actually happens or , at least , there are still few readily available accounts of school evaluations conducted by teachers .
25 However , it is this concern that has led students of social policy to give increasing attention in recent years to the activities of that group of public servants who may be called ‘ street-level bureaucrats ’ , to ask questions about what actually happens in the exchanges between these people and the public .
26 5 Now think about what actually happens as your group starts its life on the island sometimes things go well ; sometimes not so well .
27 is quantitatively too great , measurably too great , for us to admit it to our theories about what actually happens .
28 ‘ As far as I can make out from the little she said about what actually happened , the man who kidnapped them , there was only one at that point , was hidden in the back of their car when they got in .
29 Could you just t tell me about what actually happened ?
30 Staff managers have no line authority and therefore no responsibility for what actually happens .
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