Example sentences of "[prep] be left alone " in BNC.

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1 Asked to be left alone with the glass for a while .
2 At the end of the day most departments have to be left alone to implement policies .
3 It was the sordid exhaustion of poverty , of overwork , of perpetual near-incarceration , of eternal nagging demands , and to be left alone just to sit for perhaps only five minutes in unthinking apathy was her sole remaining desire .
4 Alida did not need her , Alida could surely manage , surely was not afraid to be left alone ?
5 SHe had eventually given in to a desire to seek Tammuz out , even though SHe already recognised the signs which meant he wanted to be left alone .
6 You just want to be left alone to die .
7 However some elderly people , by contrast , have an acute wish to be left alone to die in their own surroundings with the minimum of attention .
8 We want to be left alone .
9 Was there a cover-up wonders VChristy Campbell , or is the story just too good to be left alone ?
10 But even there they were not to be left alone , and after the last campaign the conquest ended ignominiously as it had begun with the summary execution of Tupac Amaru , thirty-nine years after Atahualpa , his uncle .
11 To be left alone on a chain is heartbreaking , literally .
12 ‘ That has to be left alone … ’
13 Dent was happy to be left alone .
14 A fundamental part of it has to be this recognition : animals have the right to be left alone .
15 Red , oedematous swelling ; burning and stinging pains ; face puffed and pitted ; swollen eyelids ; can not bear to be left alone ; very sensitive to touch or pressure ; sweat comes and goes .
16 Very irritable and wants to be left alone ; slightest motion causes pain , even turning the head ; dry lips and copious thirst for cold water .
17 They want to be left alone ; fear being touched because of the bodily soreness .
18 They may prefer to be left alone and hate having to depend on others who are less capable than themselves .
19 I simply wanted to be left alone .
20 After snarling a few choice remarks at them from the corners of our mouths , such as , ‘ Get lost ! ’ or ‘ Beat it ! ’ , which we understood to be good American for , ‘ Please go away , we do not wish for company , ’ we managed to rid ourselves of a few of them , but two of the most persistent followed us until we were clear of the town , and then we realised that the only way to be left alone was for us to be really rude .
21 All they need now is to be left alone .
22 If someone were to be left alone in one of these structures , not only would the physical senses be deprived , but the individual would be in a psychic atmosphere well suited to the encouragement of inspirational and prophetic experiences .
23 Susan , in this queer , run-down state , was really not fit to be left alone .
24 He was sweating , and the way he held on to me indicated that he did n't want to be left alone .
25 All I wanted was to be left alone to get on with the job I 'd been trained for and loved .
26 All she really wanted , if she could not be in his presence , was to be left alone so that she could recall and relive in her mind every moment of that morning 's encounter , and dream about what the future might hold for her .
27 Who said ‘ all I desire is to be left alone ’ ?
28 But she had so wanted to be left alone for a while .
29 For the first time in his life Brian did not want to be left alone with Celia .
30 While Hank was , in his grandparents ’ opinion , too small to be left alone , the two grandmothers had insisted that he accompany his mother , and he had enjoyed wandering round the Palichuk pig farm with his grandfather or playing in a corner of the lounge of his Grandmother Stych 's more fashionable home .
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