Example sentences of "[prep] about three hour " in BNC.

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1 After about three hours , we got through and we asked her what had happened and she said ‘ everything is fine … the tanks are just across the road ’ , and my mum did n't know what to say because we were all so upset .
2 The station was recaptured after about three hours by soldiers loyal to the government , after firing in which two soldiers were killed .
3 It was totally unbalanced — there were ten or so Labour people , and about four hundred Conservatives — it sat for about three hours every day , and there were a great number like Halifax , Salisbury , Beaverbrook who had been prominent in political life .
4 I have a routine to which it is not always possible to keep : writing in the morning for about three hours , then the rest of the day for other business .
5 I was gone for about three hours : scrambling through hedges ; rummaging in undergrowth ; wrestling with tangled nets ; and throwing into a box the indignant ferrets , who after all had done all the work and only wanted to wring the rabbits ' necks .
6 I think the rain and I went on for about three hours .
7 I 've asked for about three hours my contact in Liverpool .
8 I was in Italy , it was early morning , and I 'd been lying awake for about three hours .
9 Nine hundred of the strongest men worked for about three hours to lift me on to the platform , and one thousand five hundred of the King 's largest horses ( each eleven and a half centimetres high ) pulled me to the capital .
10 We were left in the waiting room for about three hours before anyone started dealing with us .
11 " For about three hours .
12 Nine out of 10 people now listen to the radio for about three hours every day , despite having more TV stations than ever to choose from , according to the Cultural Trends report for 1993 .
13 going for a that was brilliant I got and that , and I tried , I had a whole box of er , erm , thing is , when you hold a thousand rounds of ammunition , I got given about two thirds of this box all for myself , so I 'm there for about three hours before the exercise I had and then put the rest in the then we sat down for another hour filling them up again , superb , we had loads of bung in the windows grenades
14 Cos he came round the next week and talked to me , he had a quick chat with me for about three hours !
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