Example sentences of "[prep] least partly because " in BNC.

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1 More human than she 'd looked all morning , he thought , realizing he had taken against his witness at least partly because she was alive and the amusing , lively , feminine creature that had been Angela Morgan was not .
2 After fighting a war at least partly because of the Gulf 's oil , he certainly should be .
3 Many conventional doctors and scientists , however , are still reluctant to accept that acupuncture can have therapeutic as well as analgesic effects , and this is at least partly because there is as yet little theoretical explanation of how acupuncture could exert therapeutic — as opposed to analgesic — action .
4 While the most common reference is to the underclass of the great cities , this is at least partly because its presence there is the most inescapably apparent .
5 The British Crime Surveys ( BCS ) were set up at least partly because of official scepticism over police statistics , and in an attempt to counteract the portrayal in parts of the media of crime rates soaring out of control .
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