Example sentences of "[prep] need [prep] reform " in BNC.

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1 The useful , though subordinate , role which litigation might be expected to play in this mobilisation process extends to publicising areas of law such as tax diversion which stand in need of reform , and so helping to politicise the issues and raise the general level of political awareness on the part of peace protesters and the general public alike .
2 By 1913–14 , over £25,000 was being given away in this manner and in return the Central Office agents were able to ensure the appointment of suitable constituency agents and the choice of good candidate The outlay constituted only about a tenth of the whole of the local parties " expenditure , but a much higher proportion of the expenditure of the backward parties most in need of reform .
3 The Canadian Senate , which was widely perceived as being in need of reform , had possessed a solid Liberal majority as a legacy of 21 years of almost uninterrupted Liberal government which had ended in 1984 .
4 The law is in need of reform to bring about consistency between tenants and licensees .
5 He is now leading us , sometimes against our wills , to consider the spiritual needs of the diocese and how these can be met , against a backdrop of acute financial difficulties and a church structure much in need of reform .
6 Despite such successes in imaginative shoestring operations , the UN is desperately in need of reform and strengthening if it is to meet the critical tests of the post-Cold War era .
7 But I accept and understand that there are some feelings today that the old system dated back from those Victorian days as it did , is in need of reform and should be brought up-to-date .
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