Example sentences of "[prep] a exchange rate " in BNC.

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1 The fair price of an exchange rate or currency contract can also be determined using arbitrage strategies .
2 That is , membership of an exchange rate union is incompatible with the pursuit of an independent monetary policy .
3 However , the national monetary sovereignty identified with an exchange rate union is illusory rather than real .
4 Gros [ 1989 ] observes that while a currency union involves perfect monetary integration among the member countries , this is not necessarily the case with an exchange rate union .
5 It could be argued , therefore , that the conditions for an exchange rate union between Germany and the Netherlands are satisfied and , consequently , should observe the de facto monetary union of the two countries .
6 Members of a CU may participate in an exchange rate union such as the EMS , and therefore short-term exchange rate adjustment may not be available to them .
7 It would appear , then , that in an exchange rate union member countries enjoy a higher degree of monetary autonomy than in a currency union .
8 In contrast , in an exchange rate union there inevitably exists a degree of uncertainty , however limited , regarding intra-union exchange rates .
9 It follows , then , that in an exchange rate union , in contrast to a currency union , monetary integration may not be complete and the conditions for the creation of monetary union may not be satisfied because of the persistence of uncertainty regarding intra-union exchange rates .
10 In an exchange rate union , the existence of national currencies necessarily implies that economic agents have to bear exchange rate related costs with respect to intra-union transactions .
11 In contrast , in an exchange rate union member countries ' governments retain responsibility for the supply growth rate of their respective currencies and are , therefore , able to manipulate their monetary policy in the short run in pursuit of popularity gains with the electorate .
12 A currency union by eliminating the political business cycle can be said to possess anti-inflation properties which are not necessarily present in an exchange rate union .
13 The next section addresses this question by discussing the relative merits of a currency union over an exchange rate union .
14 It 's not a bad idea to make sure you change larger notes before you return from your holiday since — depending on where you 've been — you may lose out by as much as half a per cent on an exchange rate .
15 Note : The price quoted is based on an exchange rate of 2,250 IL = £1 and on a group of 28 passengers , and is subject to possible increase with lower numbers or a lower value of the pound , as per DA Study Tours brochure conditions ( available on request ) .
16 Vietnam owed the Soviet Union some 10,000 million roubles ( 6,000 million roubles due by 1995 ) , but the two sides failed to agree on an exchange rate for converting the debt into hard currency .
17 Because it expects the pound to strengthen in the months ahead , it has based its North Sea oil calculations on an exchange rate of $1.60 to the pound .
18 Exports were calculated based on an exchange rate of 123.77 yen in February against 125.59 a year ago .
19 Mrs Thatcher should do either as the Mail demands and replace Mr Lawson with a Chancellor of whose policies she can wholeheartedly approve or , as Mr Heseltine urges , lift her veto against the only course which could give credibility to an exchange rate policy .
20 On this day : the Order of the Bath was constituted , 1399 ; Pope Leo X conferred the title ‘ Defender of the Faith ’ on Henry VIII , 1521 ; Peter the Great became Tsar of Russia , 1669 ; the Chicago Fire ended , having almost completely destroyed the city at a cost of $196m , 1871 ; the Anglo-Boer War started , 1899 ; Czechoslovakia became an independent republic , 1918 ; inflation overtook German currency , with the mark dropping to an exchange rate of 10,000m to the pound , 1923 ; fighting broke out in China between the Nationalists under Chiang Kai-shek and the Communists under Mao Tse-tung , 1945 ; Pope John XXIII opened the second Vatican Ecumenical Council , 1963 .
21 The conclusion that a currency union is superior to an exchange rate union does not , however , rest only on the relative merits of the two forms of monetary union in terms of exchange rate uncertainty .
22 But at an exchange rate of , say , DM2.70 ( instead of the present DM2.90 ) the trade-offs for the new Chancellor will begin to look different .
23 Though the group believes Britain should join , it warns that it should only do so at an exchange rate of around DM2.40 to the pound — involving a 15 per cent devaluation from the current DM2.79 .
24 Though the group believes Britain should join , it warns that it should only do so at an exchange rate of around DM2.40 to the pound — involving a 15 per cent devaluation from the current DM2.79 .
25 Some economists believe that most exporters are unprofitable at an exchange rate with the dollar of ¥115 or higher .
26 To the Editor of The Times , 18 December 1990 : Sir , You said in your leader of 14 December , ‘ the highly political decision to enter the European exchange rate mechanism last October and at an exchange rate of DM2.95 to the pound looked like a mistake at the time .
27 The general budget was set at R13,156,289 million ( US$187,900 million at an exchange rate of US$1.00=R71.1848 as at March 19 , 1990 ) which included the budget for state-owned companies , foreign project financing and the government budget ; the latter comprised some 40 per cent of the total , overall expenditure being set at R5,596,000 million ( $79,900 million ) with revenue set at R4,000,000 million ( $57,300 million ) leaving a deficit of R1,596,000 million ( $22,600 million ) .
28 It is equal to Qsubd ; - Q s at an exchange rate of er1 .
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