Example sentences of "[noun sg] to assume that [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the case of a matrimonial home which does not have registered title , it would seem to be accepted practice to assume that the title was properly investigated at the time of the husband 's purchase , so that all the husband 's solicitors need to abstract to the wife 's solicitors is the conveyance to the husband , any mortgage , any " sales-off " ( or other transactions affecting the title ) , and details of the covenants affecting the property .
2 It is a quite mistaken interpretation of the result to assume that the French people were not fully aware of the issue on which they were being consulted .
3 For example , Sperber and Wilson suggest that in [ 25 ] it would be consistent with the principle of relevance to assume that the speaker wanted to indicate that the walk was longer than the hearer would have otherwise thought .
4 It is an error to assume that the higher judiciary is always against reform .
5 In this case , at least , there was no need to assume that the transfer obtained depended on changes in the distinctiveness of the cues .
6 It is a long-established custom to assume that the way to go about making a career is to fit ourselves into ready-made jobs .
7 On the other hand , caution should be adopted in the interests of third parties , and there should be a reluctance to assume that the treaty has been amended to alter the objects and purposes of an organisation .
8 It is quite reasonable for a purchaser to assume that a vendor who sells land for a particular purpose will not do anything to prevent its being used for that purpose , but it would be utterly unreasonable to assume that the vendor was undertaking restrictive obligations which would prevent his using land retained by him for any lawful purpose whatsoever …
9 Logically , it would make sense to assume that the aircraft failed to come up to the standards of performance and aggressive capability which the Soviets expected of it .
10 However , it would be a mistake to assume that the group backs the action of Father James Morrow as Tony Golding , chairman of Colchester LIFE group , explained .
11 It would be a basic mistake to assume that the first correct answer is the only one that exists , so the scientist will conduct further experiments , trying all the time to prove the hypothesis wrong .
12 Images of femininity and masculinity vary significantly by ethnicity ; it would be a mistake to assume that the patterns among British whites are to be found among black people .
13 It would be a mistake to assume that the various strata of middle-class ‘ society ’ would naturally press for liberal reform .
14 However , it would be a mistake to assume that the behaviour of insects is based solely on instinct .
15 However , it would be a mistake to assume that the differences within regions are any less significant .
16 Whilst it is true that the summit meeting of heads of state and government ( prime ministers and presidents ) in Stuttgart in 1983 adopted a Solemn Declaration of European Union , it would be a mistake to assume that the prime ministers and presidents and the European Parliamentarians were on the same wavelength .
17 Second , if leadership in God 's economy is not given on a basis of superiority then there is no reason to assume that the husband is the best equipped to make a given decision .
18 The fee income is beginning to build up again and we have no reason to assume that the offices will not revert to their historic profitability — apart from the fact that we 've lost insolvency and our Salisbury office . ’
19 There is no reason to assume that the present static situation will not continue .
20 We have little reason to assume that the response of solitary lesions would be fundamentally different .
21 Nor is there any reason to assume that the system would have adjusted smoothly to the onset of overaccumulation had the oil crisis not occurred .
22 Whichever approach is adopted ( that of the SDPP or of the School Management Task Force ) the head has to decide whether it is practicable in his or her school to assume that the more that teachers are asked to do in the way of auditing , laying plans , implementing them and reviewing them , the more they will understand about the effectiveness of pupils ' learning .
23 This is a point that has been commonly overlooked in the past , even by geologists , since there is a general tendency to assume that the only rocks worth bothering about are ‘ hard ’ rocks , which can be hit with a hammer !
24 In discussing the rating tasks from Groeger and Chapman ( in preparation , b ) , there has been a tendency to assume that the distinction between variable and fixed information corresponds to the distinction between central and peripheral information .
25 The temptation to assume that the strength and weakness of whiskers , and therefore presumably of other crystals , was due , like glass , to surface cracks was of course strong .
26 When we survey the reception of Darwinism ( chapter 8 ) , we shall have to beware of the temptation to assume that the success of the selection theory in the twentieth century was built upon foundations established in Darwin 's own time .
27 Stripped of all the trimmings , the plot depends finally on one " trick " , causing the reader to assume that an ignorant servant could not possibly be the writer of the elaborate legal phraseology of the threatening notes , whereas in fact the fellow has copied the phrases from the legal paraphernalia all about the house .
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