Example sentences of "[noun sg] based upon the " in BNC.

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1 Authority is simply the useful mask of power , as are all justifications and legitimations of elite rule based upon the presumed or manipulated consent of the ruled .
2 Rather , the framework discussed in this paper offers a model for practice based upon the principles and definition of comprehensive multidisciplinary assessment which have been identified .
3 Although its plans stop short of adopting DCE outright , or even endorsing a third-party offering based upon the stuff , SunSoft will define a networking strategy for its Solaris Unix SVR4 operating system , which will include the ability to ‘ plug-in ’ DCE components , according to Ed Zander , president of the software unit .
4 In an action based upon the breach of such a duty to take care , the ordinary rules in an action of negligence apply .
5 We must develop a strategy of management based upon the known facts .
6 Where a marking procedure which is not specific to particular test items is employed , grading methods used are that : ( i ) Marks may be awarded by teachers exercising professional judgement about the quality of a piece of work based upon the experience of the teacher regarding the standard of work that has been achieved .
7 Like most rulers in the Dark Ages and the later Medieval and Renaissance periods , Charles paid attention to the patterns of the stars and planets ; he studied the astronomy of the time , which was unified with astrology and philosophy based upon the Four Elements ( Air , Fire , Water , Earth ) .
8 Introduced in 1875 following seven years of political and social instability , this regime brought a generation of political peace based upon the dominance of big landowners , especially the landlords of Castile and the ‘ latifundists ’ of Andalusia .
9 It frequently arises that an item is considered beyond economical repair based upon the second hand value and not the replacement value .
10 Grieco 's major example is Corby which , as a town based upon the steel industry , had an employment history of deliberate recruitment of workers from Scotland .
11 Lauterpacht argued that there is a legal , although imperfect , right of international transit based upon the essential nature of global communications .
12 Rowntree tried to devise an objective definition of poverty based upon the minimum income required to maintain individuals in a state of ‘ physical efficiency ’ .
13 Through working the programme of recovery based upon the principles of the Anonymous Fellowships , there is gradual recovery of physical , intellectual , emotional and finally spiritual well-being .
14 and that was really a generic way , but then we refer to the point of claims of course based upon the bi-laws
15 They are in part based upon the statistical techniques described above , but use whatever mathematical form of extrapolation ( forward projection ) that the forecaster considers will be most valid in achieving a prediction .
16 It projects an ethos based upon the advances of science , the adaptation to systems technology , and the destruction of tradition , which accords well with those elements of technological dominance discussed by Habermas and his Frankfurt School predecessors in their critiques of modernist rationality and the ideology of technological efficiency .
17 This term usually refers either specifically to a movement in architecture which emphasizes a return to a popular façade based upon the design of mass commodities ( e.g. Jencks 1977 ; Venturi , Scott Brown and Izenours 1972 ) , or else to the more general movement towards pluralism and primitivism which followed the critique of modernism .
18 The Communist Party , moreover , was a unitary organisation based upon the same principle of democratic centralism , and there was no constitutional court which , as in a true federation , could have resolved any dispute about the respective powers of the republics and of the USSR as a whole .
19 The most provocative demand was that the monopolistic position of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union should be replaced " by a real collective international leadership based upon the class relations in their countries " .
20 It sells an aviation-minded support service based upon the popular Tandata range of terminals and printers which are among the most popular in business Prestel locations .
21 The results of a simulation based upon the model described above are shown in Figure 6.6 .
22 A computer simulation based upon the hydrological should be able to allow many aspects of river basin behaviour to be considered simultaneously and also enable the simulation of the hydrological response of different basins .
23 When the S. African delegate at the United Nations declared that ‘ any policy based upon the assumption that one race is superior to another purely on the ground of colour is indefensible ’ , the ‘ Guardian ’ commented ; ‘ Is this an abandonment of the fundamental theoretical basis of the State ? ’
24 With its finances balanced precariously , with Ministry restrictions on the appointment of tutor-organisers and the withdrawal of some of the university 's resident tutors , it had to rely heavily on voluntary effort — and no-one who reads the branch or Federation literature of this period can fail to be moved by the zealous commitment of ordinary WEA members , a commitment based upon the sheer love of learning and an earnest desire to offer something worthwhile to society .
25 Theoretical political economy is the study of a social economy based upon the production of commodities , i.e. the study of an unorganised social economy … as soon as we take an organised social economy , all the basic ‘ problems ’ of political economy disappear : problems of value , price , profit and so on .
26 Such a definition involves the construction of categories within the general scope of the law and , though they may be widely drawn , is open to the same objection as a definition based upon the perceptions of solicitors .
27 ViewLogic Systems Inc has introduced Powerview , a range of design tools for Unix based upon the proposed electronic design automation standards being developed by the CAD Framework Initiative : prices go from $26,500 to $70,000 .
28 Lyell made people aware by the 1830s of the great age of the Earth , and he also divided up the Tertiary period , using a statistical method based upon the proportions of existing species found among the fossils .
29 Melossi contends that earlier attempts by Box and Hale to use an argument based upon the ‘ unintended consequences of purposive social action ’ are limited .
30 Two aspects of that approach will be examined here , the fiduciary duty owed to the ratepayers , and the argument based upon the election manifesto .
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