Example sentences of "[noun sg] in understanding the " in BNC.

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1 One might have expected an examination of the non-economic bases of liberal democracy or of bureaucracy in understanding the distinction between ‘ class power ’ and ‘ state power ’ , or ‘ the specificity of the political ’ ( Laclau , 1977 ) .
2 Or this at least was the academic orthodoxy , and by examining this and subsequent debates we should have a clearer idea of the analytical tools which can be of help in understanding the changing nature of local politics in Britain .
3 The patient will also require supportive therapy , and his family is likely to need considerable help in understanding the illness and coming to terms with it .
4 Changes in the emotional atmosphere at home , marital problems , trauma , and illness can all affect the child and parents may need help in understanding the link between the emotional state and the physical state ( Rappaport and Levine 1986 ) .
5 One which is going to be published and placed in the hands of people at large for their help in understanding the faith .
6 The loss of the parental role is of crucial importance in understanding the life and problems of many older people .
7 Yet finding out what happens in higher education is of utmost importance in understanding the patterns of gender inequality that exist .
8 We shall be suggesting later that this insight is of crucial importance in understanding the penal crisis .
9 This theme of administration in the landscape has not been studied to any great extent , and yet we have already seen that definition of estates is of critical importance in understanding the local landscape .
10 Peer pressure was a key factor in understanding the problem , he said .
11 The progress of the human race in understanding the universe has established a small corner of order in an increasingly disordered universe .
12 ‘ While climatic geomorphology proper might be seen as a valuable adjunct to applied pedology and applied ecology in understanding the operation of landscape systems at the present , climato-genetic geomorphology ( Büdel , 1963 ) which relies on the principle of actualism in historical studies is less readily tenable …
13 This remark had important implications in the theory of the technique of psychoanalysis , where transference — the way the analyst comes to take on the emotional elements of a parent figure for the analysand — plays a key part in understanding the therapeutic effects of psychoanalysis .
14 And Rank interpreted his own difficulty in understanding The Red Shoes as evidence that he had a disaster on his hands .
15 In summary , autistic children have difficulty in understanding the world as we know it .
16 Many parents find difficulty in understanding the aims and methods of mathematics teaching .
17 If you ask for breakfast in your room they have difficulty in understanding the idea , but they will do it .
18 I find some difficulty in understanding the argument that 's coming from Leeds City Council , bearing in mind the emphasis you placed last week .
19 I find a little difficulty in understanding the basis of your argument Mr , given the point you made last week about the need for Yo North Yorkshire as a whole to cater for one hundred percent migration , so as to make adequate provision for those coming from Leeds .
20 While a great deal has been discovered about the physiology of sleep , and psychologists have developed reliable techniques for establishing when people are likely to be dreaming , there has not been an equivalent amount of progress in understanding the nature of dreams .
21 Furthermore , one can observe different subjects making differential progress in understanding the various stages in the transition from myopic to dynamically optimal .
22 On the Omagh ( 33 ) sheet , mapping is nearing completion and this year 's work has further marked the importance of the area in understanding the geological evolution of Northern Ireland during the Carboniferous and Permian periods .
23 Much later , bacteriophages were found to transfer genetic information , from one bacterium to another , so they became immensely important tools for geneticists and have played a fundamental role in understanding the functions of deoxyribonucleic acid ( see Chapter 11 ) .
24 An infant at eight months who retrieves a completely-occluded object has made a major advance in understanding the appearance-reality distinction , at least on the plane of action , because he now knows that , although the perceptual input at one time tells him that there is no rattle in his reachable space , really there is .
25 The concept of international power demarcates international politics as an autonomous sphere of action , and implies that ethical considerations are of little use in understanding the actions of states :
26 Goldmann developed a humanist form of Marxism that continued a direction of development begun by Lukács , emphasizing the role of philosophy and cultural analysis in understanding the ‘ totality ’ of history .
27 Hobbes 's discovery of geometry and his growing sense of the importance of motion in understanding the world were milestones in his intellectual development .
28 New parents may need some information in understanding the developmental progress of bowel function .
29 This stress on the interdependence of social phenomena , though it may be circular and is not exhaustive , takes us a long way in understanding the basic dynamics of community life .
30 Furthermore , critical theory departs form positivism in understanding the facts of culture in terms of a social totality .
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