Example sentences of "[noun sg] of about ten " in BNC.

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1 As you can see I am working abroad — having returned to the teaching profession after a gap of about ten years .
2 But I I er remember Margaret , my wife when she had the er the last one which is a a gap of about ten years between the third you know , and the fourth child
3 This very brief review of about ten conservation programmes can not make the case that all national policies fail .
4 For this theory to give the observed value of the strong force between particles , the strings had to be like rubber bands with a pull of about ten tons .
5 Five Tibetan men and a boy of about ten , dressed in worn jackets and trousers , are seated around a fire , drinking tea , talking and laughing .
6 The door opened , and there stood a boy of about ten , chewing gum and gawping .
7 On the mantelshelf behind him there was a photograph of a pretty , smiling , dark-haired woman , a boy of about ten and a girl a few years younger .
8 But when I started walking across the table to the farmer , his youngest son , a boy of about ten , picked me up by the legs .
9 I do n't think a boy of about ten years of age would be capable of such martyrdom .
10 When he was a child of about ten or eleven , William used to play a kind of game with his shadow , except that it was n't a game , really , it was deadly serious .
11 Is that a sort of follow-up of the God is dead school of theology of about ten or twenty years ago ?
12 Matilda and Lavender saw the giant in green breeches advancing upon a girl of about ten who had a pair of plaited golden pigtails hanging over her shoulders .
13 The results of the pilot programme ( based on the ability of the mothers to recall what they had been taught two weeks previously ) were so promising that BRAC launched a programme to teach the method of preparing LGS to every household in the country over a period of about ten years .
14 Erm , that over a period of about ten years , began to wane and by and large now I think feature analysis per se has been abandoned as a as a model for understanding human perception .
15 ‘ Hey dad , that 's Vic Halom , ’ said a lad of about ten scurrying off to the big match .
16 Woolworths store in Grange Road , Jarrow , was hit twice on Wednesday when raiders got away with large quantities of children 's clothes including the theft of about £7,000 worth of clothes by a group of about ten youths .
17 For instance , a study of the dies used for the bronze coinage of Antoninus Pius ( AD 138–61 ) circulating in Britain has suggested that the total stock of bronze coinage in circulation was of the general magnitude of about ten million sestertii ; as the population of the province was about five million at the time , we can conclude from the low figure of two sestertii per capita that most of the population can not have used coinage on anything like the scale required in a fully monetised society ( see also p. 51 ) .
18 A queue of about ten people wearing gym shoes was lined up in front of the ladder .
19 These have a radius of about ten miles and densities of millions of tons per cubic inch .
20 A neutron star has a radius of about ten miles , only a few times the critical radius at which a star becomes a black hole .
21 My twin brother appeared by the age of about ten to have some hearing loss .
22 Looking at their names , I wondered about their nationality , and the booklets tells us that they are in fact ‘ of mixed Turkish/Spanish parentage ’ and that from the age of about ten their training was as the Paris Conservatoire , the Frankfurt Musikhochschule , under Rudolf Serkin at the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia and finally at the Juilliard School , New York .
23 Growing at a rate of about ten metres a day , by May 1903 the spine was no less than 310 metres high , rearing up above St Pierre like a memorial obelisk , a tribute to the thousands that had died below .
24 When the bat hunts , it emits a string of pulses at a rate of about ten a second .
25 Such holes hardly deserve the epithet black : they really are white hot and are emitting energy at a rate of about ten thousand megawatts .
26 I 'm thinking of a time scale of about ten years ahead .
27 ‘ We found 2,500 had not been delivered , the equivalent of about ten streets in the whole of Middlesbrough , ’ he said .
28 Apart from the People 's Republic of China , which claims to have eradicated syphilis in the space of about ten years , most countries are now reporting an increase in the number of cases of early infectious syphilis , usually amongst male homosexuals .
29 Make a total of about ten cuts in all .
30 I mean I 've never needed a new licence for the last three and a half years but Nicholas erm prior to this in the countdown to me appearing for my drink drive which is in a matter of about ten weeks I believe in the countdown to that , Nick said on several o two occasions anyway while other members of staff were present , Well this is a way of getting rid of him without having to pay him redundancy money .
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