Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] accused of " in BNC.

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1 However , those who criticize foreign inward investment are accused of possessing a ‘ Little Englander ’ mentality , in an environment in which the nationality of companies is becoming ‘ increasingly irrelevant in modern trading conditions ’ ( Kenneth Clarke , Hansard , 8 June 1988 ) .
2 He is not named in the charge but the club are accused of breaking all-ticket rules on match-day morning .
3 The club were accused of making illegal payments to players and more dramatically , Macari was fined £1,000 for his part in a betting scandal after a bet of £6,500 had been placed on Swindon to lose in a cup match against Newcastle .
4 Soldier is accused of shooting sentry pal
5 Lenihan was accused of dishonesty as to whether he had made any such calls himself .
6 Then , Labour was accused of holding the tax timebomb , with secret plans to raise taxes and put up national insurance contributions .
7 In ignoring other dimensions of power , behaviourism was accused of producing a superficial account of the distribution of power .
8 The American administration was accused of ‘ striving to draw those countries into a military grouping with the United States , which is a nuclear power , with little consideration for the threat this represents to the security of the Persian Gulf countries , to stability and peace in the region ’ .
9 The warden , Peter de Neville , and his foresters , bailiffs and vendors of wood were accused of having taken great quantities of timber from the king 's demesne park and woods during the preceding thirteen years , for Neville 's own use , for sale and for making lime and charcoal .
10 Its report focuses on 10 organizations whose activities have drawn opposition from native American groups : Rio Tinto Zinc 's Kennecott subsidiary is accused of infringing land rights of the Chippewa Indians in constructing the Flambeau Copper Mine in Wisconsin .
11 The county council is accused of over-reaction to police complaints .
12 The 17-year-old girl is accused of two incidents of causing harassment , alarm or distress and assault , failing to surrender to bail .
13 With lamentable predictability , however , there was a wailing from certain quarters against ‘ our ‘ namby-pamby ’ ’ methods ' and ‘ our drawing-room courts ’ , and what was taken to be the excessive leniency of the 1933 Act was accused of unleashing a tidal wave of crime among the young .
14 The earliest comprehensive statistics , which were compiled in the 1860s , indicated that about seven or eight per cent of the population were accused of some criminal offence each year .
15 One of the leaders of the coup attempt was believed to have been the renegade colonel , Gregorio " Gringo " Honasan , a close associate of Enrile , whom the Senator was accused of having harboured in his home on the day before the coup attempt .
16 Luton headmaster Brian Round tells of a case where a teacher was accused of rape .
17 This case followed a couple of weeks after the extensive coverage given to the case where a teacher was accused of raping a 15-year-old pupil but who was eventually jailed for unlawful sexual intercourse .
18 The ruling Labour group was accused of making its decision in secret before word of the closure proposals reached other members .
19 At Gloucester magistrates court , Mrs Lundberg 's estranged husband was accused of murder .
20 It was n't much fun being accused of something , and being unable to defend oneself .
21 The applicable law , if a person is accused of committing a crime in this country , is to be found in section 6(1) of the Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 , which provides that :
22 The crew was accused of trespassing and asked to leave by the police , who were called by the vicar when they arrived
23 The bicycle was accused of enlarging the scope for theft , and we were encouraged to linger over some of the more squalid details of profiteering and corruption which had accompanied the boom in the cycling industry .
24 Tim the boy and his monkey Pistol were accused of the theft of the ring .
25 The boy 's 30-year-old father is accused of attempted murder and will appear in court today .
26 In its last full year the telephone giant was accused of raking in too much money after making £3bn — a massive £97 per second .
27 The broadcasting authorities , which have in the past been accused of falling foul of the ancestors of this provision by reason of granting undue exposure to one particularly well-known candidate ( see Grieve v Douglas-Home [ 1965 ] SLT 186 ) , are now exempt ( 1983 Act , s.75(1)1 , but the press otherwise , even such a reputable journal as The Times , remains bound ( see R v Tronoh Mines and The Times publishing Co [ 1952 ] 1 All ER 697 ) .
28 The Government are accused of changing their mind over local authority finance .
29 Twenty six year old David Cull of no fixed address is accused of raping a twenty-year-old woman in a derelict building in Cheltenham a week ago .
30 Friedmann is accused of focusing attention excessively on the structural inadequacies of the Soviet system which make such show trials necessary , rather than highlighting what Nizan considers to be the treacherous acts of the Trotskyites and Bukharinites conspiring to overthrow the Soviet state itself .
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