Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] have occurred " in BNC.

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1 Mr Dryfe said : ‘ The violence which has occurred during the last several weeks outside the factory gates and the damage done to the property of several of our employees is deplorable .
2 He is picking his way through the Moscow Record of 27 November 1869 , and there he reads about a murder which had occurred six days earlier .
3 When Morse , himself looking far from serene , had come into The Randolph and demanded to see Messrs Aldrich and Brown immediately , he had resolutely avoided her eyes , appearing to have no wish to rekindle the brief moments of intimacy which had occurred in the morning 's early hours .
4 But they are now undoubtedly the most endangered of the dolphin species , largely because their small and isolated populations are particularly vulnerable to the industrialisation which has occurred throughout much of their range in the past few decades .
5 Those differences seem very largely to account for the variations in actual patterns of support which have occurred over time .
6 The little direct interchange which has occurred has been largely between compatible representatives of broadly similar organisations , e.g. Crofters ' and Farmers ' Unions , or between a variety of environmental and wildlife bodies , or among a number of local history societies .
7 We certainly can not bank on the 49 per cent increase in the size of the Bar which has occurred in the last 10 years .
8 It is the shift which has occurred within the population over statutory retirement-pension age towards the oldest old .
9 ‘ You think leaving the valley is corrupting , do n't you ? ’ said Lydia who was clinging like a terrier to a theme which had occurred to her .
10 One theme which has occurred throughout this book , is that law and order , and indeed Conservative criminology , has developed in response to social anxieties felt by ‘ respectable ’ elements of British society about a Britain which has difficulties in coming to terms with its position in a changing world .
11 Bearing in mind the magnitude of soil erosion which has occurred in sensitive areas including the Dust Bowl , parts of China and of Africa it is surprising that more attention has not been directed to this aspect of the human impact .
12 During this long-drawn-out crisis there had occurred ( in December 1979 ) a Russian invasion of Afghanistan , in support of the fragile Marxist government lately set up there .
13 At the time of the announcement it had occurred to no one that the thirtieth was a Sunday ; then , rather than admit the error , the Board had to announce further that it would be open for the reception of plans until noon , sabbath or no sabbath .
14 A naval investigation began in August 1989 into the cause of an explosion which had occurred on board the battleship USS Iowa in April 1989 , causing the death of 47 sailors [ see p. 36604 ] .
15 The Free Churches have made much use of the explosion of hymn writing which has occurred during the last thirty years and which crosses the boundaries of all denominations .
16 This is an important point to make , and it can again aid in understanding a distortion which has occurred in the notion of ‘ death instincts ’ in psychoanalytic theory .
17 That comparison is exagerrated by the enormous increase in world trade which has occurred in the post-war period , and which has largely by-passed the Eastern European countries .
18 You must tell us about any changes which affect your policy which have occurred either since the policy started or since the last renewal date .
19 A hi-jacking of that magnitude would n't be likely to be quickly forgotten by the police in whose district it had occurred .
20 It was a thought which had occurred to Tweed .
21 In 1816 , the year Davy 's lamp was introduced , J. H. H. Holmes , a mining inspector , published a book containing ‘ accounts of the explosions from fire damp which have occurred for the last 20 years ; their causes and the means proposed for their remedy and for general improvements of the mining systems by new methods of ventilation . ’
22 To the best of our knowledge and belief there are no events or new information which have occurred or have become known subsequent to [ date of last audited financial statements ] that would reasonably necessitate adjustments to the Memorandum .
23 The confrontation was symbolic of the accelerating polarization which had occurred over the previous five years , with the Popular Front calling for a determined re-application of the policies of 1931–3 and the right for radical constitutional revision .
24 This season all female competitors had to undergo a compulsory sex test , a sad indication of the ridiculous cheating which has occurred in top level sport in the past .
25 Any growth which has occurred must either have come later or have involved other forms of temporary working , such as the imposition of a special " temporary " status on certain workers recruited on open-ended contracts — something which our case studies indicate might have been the case .
26 But try and be positive about it , and say , ‘ Yes , this , I have to say this is a bad situation , , it 's not a situation which has occurred before , we are taking very positive steps to ensure that it does n't happen again , we have prosecuted Mr X , we have done whatever is appropriate . ’
27 In the latter union these changes ‘ were less a surrender of power to the shopfloor than a formal accommodation to the reality of decentralisation which had occurred during the post-war years ’ ( Hyman , 1983 , p. 42 ) .
28 She wrote : ’ I am writing to you in the hope that you can help me with the injustice which has occurred .
29 A conference was held on Dec. 16-18 in Mopti , some 500 km north-west of the capital Bamako , with the aim of ending the rebellion of Tuaregs in the north of the country which had occurred in July [ see p. 38325 ] .
30 Give details of any important events affecting the company which have occurred since the balance sheet date .
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