Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [adj] grace " in BNC.

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1 For such a tall man Joel Garner had a beautiful follow-through with a great deal of athletic grace .
2 During the Synod of Dort ( 1618–19 ) he was an important intermediary between Samuel Ward ( d. 1643 ) [ q.v. ] , one of the British delegates , and the king , whom he persuaded to moderate the British position on the universality of divine grace .
3 Clouds uncoiled from the south-west with unhurried grace .
4 Admit temporary defeat with good grace , retreat , reconsider and wait .
5 She , in whom a natural clear spring of charm flowed vigorously , who expostulated , articulated and knew her own mind with commanding grace — in private , not in public of course ( before others who were not family , such confidence in a girl would seem an outrage ) — could not speak up now and tell Rosa what she felt .
6 After we finished that poem , late in the evening of 2 November , we went walking through the streets of Salamanca for most of the night , for the poem had persuaded us that something remarkable was really happening to us , that some kind of poetic grace had been bestowed upon us .
7 Therefore the connection between these and the work of revelation and restoration in Jesus Christ must be explored , the ‘ point of contact ’ which they offer for the advent of divine grace must be found .
8 Scene of superfluous grace , and wasted bloom ,
9 Suppose so , ’ said Andy , sipping his pint and accepting the flattery with good grace .
10 This must have been irksome for them , but Mrs Webster accepted it as her war work with good grace .
11 This image seems to be as appealing to romantic capitalists as it is to millenarian marxists , both of whom see it as a sort of primitive grace from which the modern world has fallen ( e.g. Diamond 1972 ; Wolf 1981 ; Durdin 1972 ; MacLeish 1972 ; Montagu 1976 ) .
12 This is particularly difficult in view of the fact that it is just their children who are probably far more in need of that grace of God just because of the attitude of their parents , than those of parents who measure up to all the standards that we impose .
13 He went on , ‘ Lest we should seem to neglect our right and the gift of heavenly grace or be unwilling to conform the impulse of our will to the divine pleasure , we have recognized our right to the kingdom and have undertaken the burden of the rule of that kingdom , as we ought to do . ’
14 Rolle 's meditations enact the meaning of such grace .
15 For the sake of architecture , which we all believe in , it is vital that if we can not accept the decision to proceed with enthusiasm , we at least accept the decision with democratic grace .
16 They have often not promoted the idea that human nature is basically sound if encouraged , but rather emphasized the need for a concept of divine grace .
17 There she wept for her sins and her tears washed away the blood ; The form in which this sermon harnesses the pressure of fear as well as the promise of comfort , provides a recognisable cultural context for the form of Margery Kempe 's initial vision of salvation and witnesses to the high esteem in which tears as a sign of spiritual grace were held in the fifteenth century .
18 ‘ Entrez , ’ she called , still sitting at the dressing table , and turned her head with impeccable grace to welcome her guests .
19 The Emperor accepted the request with good grace and his habitual courtesy , but there can be no doubt that he viewed the events in Spain with alarm .
20 Children , if they mu must be allowed to come forward and share in that grace at the lord 's table and so on .
21 He said he wanted to eliminate the ‘ schlechtes polnisches zeug ’ , the bad Polish stuff , and he claimed that the Poles had brought this upon themselves by refusing to accept the new Prussian authority with good grace .
22 For a long time they had led a life of measured grace ; regular sedate walks with their mistress , superb food in ample quantities and long snoring sessions on the rugs and armchairs .
23 Despite the fact that he had come from a long line of soldier forebears , even the combination of breeding , upbringing and training no longer made it easy for him to bear the tedium of army life with good grace .
24 LEFT : Paul Hammond , CENTRE : Harry Hanger in airborne grace at the Crystal Palace in a Palace-Swindon game .
25 But let smaller pictures of God satisfy us and squeeze him out , and we are back on the easier road to cheap grace and nominal faith .
26 He will not for a moment allow that the doctrine of justification through free grace , received by faith , can lead to antinomianism ( Rom. 6:1ff ) .
27 As he [ Mr Field ] was elected and then reselected under the old 1985 procedure and he accepted those victories with a certain amount of good grace , I would hope he would accept that procedure .
28 Joe made room for me with the same amount of good grace he might have afforded an enemy invading his castle and we sat for a few minutes without speaking , inspecting the view .
29 Fortunately , their mischief can be thwarted by the ship 's captain if he is adept with rhyming banter and riddles , for the Blue Men love to be entertained and leave a ship with good grace if they are bested in a game of wits .
30 He kissed her hand with courtly grace , displaying an air of bonhomie reminiscent of his father .
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