Example sentences of "[interj] well [pers pn] do n't " in BNC.

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1 No well we do n't ask for education so it 's not important .
2 No well we do n't know , we had thought that it was .
3 No well I do n't want anybody going round saying that the phones have been inundated in Norwich because we because we have n't circularised the number properly cos that 's our fault not anybody else 's
4 No no well I do n't think so .
5 No well I do n't know though , there would n't be much
6 No well I did n't do anything yesterday
7 No well you did n't miss much anyway .
8 No well you do n't have to take them when you 're ill , you 're allowed to take them when you 're feeling alright an'all .
9 Aye well I do n't whether I told you I had a er I went on a holiday to the er beginning of September .
10 Och well I do n't know about what na good ones anyway , and maybe get you a rugby jumper .
11 Oh yes well I do n't know who that one i
12 Yes well I do n't know I mean C S Lewis says we take the devil in two ways .
13 Yes well I do n't want to eat well
14 Yes well I did n't know you see .
15 Oh well they do n't do advanced degrees .
16 Oh well they do n't know till half past nine .
17 Oh well we did n't want to sell them anyway .
18 But all our speakers are chosen by the Pre-retirement Council and by your employers by the way who over a period of time have selected the Oh well we do n't want him again or that firm again .
19 Oh well we do n't know .
20 Your Pat said to me on Sunday while I was talking to her , she said , when she was saying oh well she does n't know whether to vote Tory because
21 specialist or something or , or training to do , and I says well what , what do you pay his car insurance for then if his working ? , oh well he does n't earn enough
22 The V bomb , V bombers and the doodlebugs and er when he came home it was nineteen forty six I think or seven er , my fath er my mother had died and my father wanted to get away from the place we were in and we said oh well go ahead you know , we 'll easily get somewhere and of course we did n't and they put us in a Nissan hut , which we made absolutely beautiful , we did all sorts of things to it and had a lovely garden all around it and the people from the Council use to come around and say to us oh well you do n't need to be rehoused because you 've made this so very nice you see , anyway I then started to work for the Corporation and then there was the possibility of course
23 Oh well you do n't use it very much .
24 Oh well it does n't matter .
25 Oh well it does n't matter .
26 Oh well it does n't matter .
27 oh well it does n't does it ?
28 And I said I want a job and , and she said something like oh well it does n't include you so ha ha ha ha and thought it was really funny .
29 Oh well I did n't think I could do that without
30 Oh well I did n't do that .
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