Example sentences of "[interj] she [verb] [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 No she does n't want to smack your head there you are
2 No , no she does n't want to watch , I thing honestly when she comes home from school she 's tired out .
3 No she does n't want any fuss , Con 's made her a big cake I believe a very nice cake Eileen said
4 Oh no she does n't do it in front of Mrs .
5 Cos she does n't want to be like depressing , she said er no she does n't feel like that because she 's already gone through the worst so she wo n't , yeah she wants to help people who 've got it .
6 No she does n't have to work , but she , she chooses to work nine till six , I mean she just got her pension thing out did n't she ?
7 No she does n't know anything yet
8 No she does n't live with us but she does live locally and that was one of the reasons for being here because it 's a little bit easier to get to her .
9 No she does n't like driving big cars .
10 , no she do n't like you .
11 No she did n't bother .
12 No she did n't care
13 No no she did n't tell us about the loft .
14 No she did n't die .
15 Oh I du n no she did n't say nothing about that
16 She did n't say and I , I never thought to ask her , no she did n't say so we 're just , that 's why really as I say I do n't , I think at first she was quite happy for us to go in and maybe take stuff in , but I do n't think she was happy about us doing structural things on it
17 she would , she was seeing me do it and I respect what she says and I do what I 'm told no she did n't say that
18 No she did n't say anything .
19 She bought a steak and kidney pie now then , no she did n't have chips steak and kidney pie and some er couple of iced buns , she bought me a , an ordinary pie .
20 No she did n't have
21 gosh she do n't look too bad there
22 Oh she does n't live down here ?
23 Oh she does n't have an apple .
24 Oh she does n't have to put colour in , she 's had a go at it , I 've seen her doing it herself
25 Cos they were all taking the mick out of him and he said oh she did n't do it he said she was away for the weekend , I had somebody else there .
26 Oh she did n't say anything .
27 Oh she do n't know whether to come and have food or go upstairs with you .
28 So , you , will take you to the st oh she do n't drive does she ?
29 Oh yes she did n't buy half a canoe .
30 Mm she does n't seem daft yeah .
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