Example sentences of "[interj] [pron] think [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Terry Eagleton of Oxford made the comment , er oh I think a year or two ago , in the Sunday Times that er there is too much established in the name William Shakespeare for anyone to be willing to fool around with it .
2 Oh I think a fact , I think its a fact two thousand pounds is a lot of money even to some body that 's relative , you know
3 Oh I think the work the work was very hard in those days you know .
4 no I thought the frost would of killed of the
5 No I think the way that
6 No I think the mother-in-law jokes are right she 's a cracker hope it is n't too busy in here
7 Naw I think a man of quality and breeding may be much better diverted with the natural sprauts of his own .
8 Yes I thought the explanation was er was pretty good and clear and I was happy with the way the er the premium 's worked out .
9 Yes I think a team that can go away and sneak a win will be the team that gets through in the end .
10 Yes I think the skirt 's gon na be very useful actually .
11 Yes I think the situation in Scotland is very poor !
12 Mm I think the thing with that was it was to some extent clouded before was n't it ?
13 Yeah I think a cup of tea do n't you ?
14 Now yes this is very very welcome indeed , but I do see it Mr Chairman in the experience of the past and that really with the hard work that you both have put in as a piece of paper it is now in the computer as far as I can see and I think there is a term now within agriculture and I will give you an example of this and I think it now , it may apply I think to our road system particular particularly in the north , north Suffolk , yeah I think the term is set-aside , and I hope that some time central government will acknowledge that within this eastern region certainly the Lowestoft area and Waking area we have very great problems , because these pieces of jigsaw do not come into the full picture , they 're put in place now and then and later and in apparent it is giving us a very great problem certainly within the last
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