Example sentences of "[unc] we have [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You can see it 's a tense game er we 've said before it 's a local derby and er there are one or two minor problems .
2 Er We 've worshipped on holiday at nine thirty .
3 Well we 've er we 've gained in , in many areas and held in all .
4 Having examined the various sectors er we 've come to the view that there are three sectors which are least worst in that effect , erm which is the north east sector , south east and the south west .
5 So we 've er we 've come to the front and we 've led from the front .
6 Er we 've come to the end of some of the trials .
7 Erm coming in from er on the A six one two from , er we 've come to over the level crossing there .
8 Well , it 's something er I mean obviously a lot of people like the idea of going over to the Swindon Oasis , now er we 've had at the back of our minds , if it was at all possible to er put something similar at Didcot , obviously nothing as grand as the Oasis , but something quite similar , and obviously they would come to Didcot and not bother to go over to Swindon .
9 We er we 've tried to er to meet the the the County Council 's requirements , we 've scaled down our original er provision of erm employment land to take account of the emerging structure plan thinking .
10 These words are I love them , I love them , redemption , and sanctification and so on , I love them , but er we 've got ta put it in a different way .
11 So er we 've got ta sort of
12 They 've had to go for the we did them a few sort of quotes on the survey side of this Arrow Park and er we 've got ta , you know , really stick to this tight budget because it 's the only way you can get them no matter what people are telling you erm about the recession being over , people still want things for nothing .
13 Geographical factors can be a motivating factor , er we 've talked about the sun and the influence of the sun .
14 er We , we go out once a week on our bikes just to keep fit for the job more than anything , and have a pint away from the wives , er but er we 've looked into the idea of getting a bike specially made for Joanne , er the little girl who I said suffers from this disease .
15 And one time , I remember , er we had gone among the rocks there , and we had er two erm two fox terriers there .
16 In the British system of local government finance , with the wonderful inimitable reforms of the present government , er we have gone from a situation in which er the central government financed about , between forty five and fifty percent of local expenditure to a situation where the central government finances about eighty five percent , I think between eighty five and ninety percent of local spending .
17 like er we have sinned against our fellow men , you know that one we say in the prayer of confession .
18 Well obviously that factor er was considered carefully by the Ministry of Defence before our Secretary of State agreed that we could safely defer the in service date for Eurofighter two thousand and adjust the the er replacement plan er back in December ninety two , so we have looked at what is the current rate of consumption of airframe life on the jaguar er what can be done economically and sensibly to keep it flying safely and effectively into the next century and er we have come to the conclusion that we have a viable plan here which can tie up with the planned rate of delivery to service of Eurofighter two thousand .
19 In this case , ( 12 ) becomes successively unc and ( 13 ) yields unc Hence as before , unc We have proved in Theorem VIII that with these conditions , X is real ; hence ( 15 ) implies p = 0 , and as before , A is not defective .
20 Would have they put when they put the boiler in cos the boiler w we 've had in three years .
21 W we have looked into er the question of car parking in Southwell and the possibility of charging for long term parking .
22 But this is about four or five years ago so I mean it 's n we 've moved on a lot since then .
23 And erm we 'd got like jug each and there 's about nine of us and we all took it up to one of the rooms and we drunk the lot of it and we were all like getting a bit a bit
24 Erm we 've heard about the measured approach , the step by step approach er and Mr , has said , please make your mind up one way or another so we can proceed with our local plan preparation .
25 Erm we 've heard from Selby that they could they could provide possible sites for more than one scheme .
26 Erm we 've heard from Mr Williamson that it fills a strategic gap and guidance and that pressures on the countryside are exerted daily and curiously enough it was n't a policy of restraint or restriction .
27 And erm we 've talked about it in committee and decided on the menu that is six forty .
28 We 've talked about various erm We 've talked about various methods of producing energy .
29 I did n't understand her questions was it the figures had come from the private sector I 'm not sure if she understood it herself either erm we 've talked in the social services planning cuts committee about a list of homes for refurbishment and Mr wanted a very long list er a list which would blight every home not on the list .
30 You know y y y y you 're a poor peasant and the Party 's coming in in conditions of civil war and we say right erm we 've got ta get land reform and the land reform process is being done , not by the Party coming in and imposing it , it is very much done by the Party encouraging and enabling the peasants to , to take the moves themselves , to stand up and begin the criticism .
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