Example sentences of "[unc] which [is] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 want to go out with you but because , you know , they think you 're a nice person , a genuine kind of g er which is exactly right here they do , they only , they will only talk to you if they 're kind of
2 Erm that is an area where , that and road traffic accidents which has grown considerably in , in the time that I 've been in the service in more recent years , which has become more sophisticated , the equipment has become more sophisticated , the techniques have had to be developed to deal with them and firemen are becoming more expert in , in handling these er er situations with , with equipment er which is much more technical , and , and er
3 Moreover , if we adopted the first solution and applied it throughout , e would become ( the first three elements have been assumed zero ) unc which is clearly quite unacceptable for the later measurements .
4 ‘ After all , you 've a connection with Amy through Gilbert Racy and St Sylvester 's which is really most fortuitous . ’
5 Erm , although I think we will say that that would be dangerous thing to do and that we should continue to work upon the er the assumption that there erm er overall as a n , a nine percent increase , but , that seems highly unlikely that will succeed , erm What I 've then done is take account of the various staffing changes that there have been during the year , both short term and long term , erm , and you 'll see that produces a figure actually available to us this year of twenty seven thousand five hundred and eighty eight investigative hours , erm which is slightly less than we had last year , er but erm almost not significantly so , erm and it seemed to me therefore that if we were n't trying to reduce times , er , if we were saying that we would turn in times at the end of this year which were the same as the term times we turned in at the end of last year we could probably achieve that without any further recruitment .
6 You know I erm Hugh was talking about erm somebody being thrown out of hospital after gall bladder operation after only two days well fortunately these days there are one or two strives in er in in health care erm to erm which is very much easier to er , operate on people if you 're if you if you 're going to put them out cos the operation 's more er simpler it 's far less stress on patients and and , and they they 're becoming a lot quicker er , clearly if faded out er , the way is completed then er obviously things are serrated with with the chief executive of the health authority and I 'd like to give you this October when when the Chief Executive was .
7 I think the general concept that we is that we do not want to erm envisage we hope we will not envisage proposals which generate a scale of development erm which is quite clearly not related erm to the needs of the Greater York area .
8 There had been a shop in Street I which is still there but it 's been used for other things now .
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