Example sentences of "[unc] hand be on [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She saw that Hilda 's hands were on her hips , and she knew from experience that this was a danger signal , but she went on , unintimidated .
2 And when her father 's hands were on her she felt at times she would vomit all over his suit .
3 May 's hand was on hers : ‘ It 's all right , it 's all right , dear , ’ she was saying .
4 If she could , Sabine would have turned and run , but Rohan 's hand was on her shoulder , urging her forward gently but firmly .
5 Guido 's hand was on her shoulder .
6 Guido 's hand was on her shoulder , as tight as a steel snare .
7 She fumbled in her bag for her credit card but suddenly Fernando 's hand was on her wrist and she was being urged out of the restaurant .
8 Laidlaw 's hand was on his P220 automatic but he knew he could n't fire it , no matter how hard he tried .
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