Example sentences of "[unc] new [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 Tass on Oct. 4 announced that military intelligence operations were being cut by more than 10 per cent with surplus resources reportedly being transferred to the KGB 's new Directorate for the Defence of the Soviet Constitutional System .
2 The reason for Mr Ojukwu 's new enthusiasm for the right is the choice of a Christian Ibo from the east , Sylvester Ugoh , as running-mate for Mr Tofa , who is himself a Muslim from the Hausa heartland in the north .
3 Mr Berlusconi 's new affection for the stockmarket will be welcomed by investors in Milan , who have been starved of new opportunities .
4 On 7th July , a week after taking office , Fitzroy was pressed by Tite to adhere to Manners ' promise to exhibit Scott 's new design for the Foreign Office along with the tenders and the prize-winning schemes from the competition .
5 The EC 's new policy for the biotechnology industry has been criticised by both environmentalists and chemical companies .
6 Signs of Constantine 's new deal for the church were that the council petitioned and obtained from the emperor a degree of tax exemption for the sake of the church 's welfare for the poor , and that exile was imposed on the two bishops who withheld their signature to the creed and canons .
7 His ‘ new thinking ’ , admittedly , was not necessarily new : the central propositions had been discussed by Soviet specialists for some time , and the term itself appeared to derive from Bertrand Russell 's New Thinking for the Nuclear Age , published in 1960 .
8 Nonetheless , there have latterly been some notable donations from individuals in Britain : like the Sainsbury brothers ' new wing for the National Gallery and the Clore Foundation 's for the Tate ; Terence Conran 's £7m for the establishment of the Design Museum in Docklands , and Paul Hamlyn 's cheap weeks for children at the Royal Opera House .
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