Example sentences of "[unc] i [vb mod] like [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 It may be implied , but I do n't think it 's it 's actually explicit up there , and I think it pond I would like to recognise what we 're going to work towards , and that is influences about choice .
2 That 's , that 's er I w I 'd like to come back er to that a little bit later .
3 Erm no er , I 'd li I 'd like to see er him getting , er shifting , yeah to a different place , but er , he 's got ta remember , the greenbelt comes first .
4 There are two specific issues of interest er I would like to refer to , first is resola resolution one , six small one .
5 Er I would like to say at the outset that erm we we support the deposit version of the er the deposit version allocations of the alteration .
6 facility for for us to take it up , and er I would like to see may be er some something incorporated , there was one suggestion of a Bramley park or something of that nature was n't there in those suggestions we had , have we still got that one , could you could you just er inform me what it really said ?
7 I think there 's a pride that , that the majority of firemen are , are fairly clean and smart erm there are the odd ones that have to be told but it 's not the same sort of discipline now as there was , and I 'm not sure whether it 's right or wrong , all I see I , I enjoy the discipline when I had it , I sometimes wish it was brought back but er it 's not the time now it seems for that type of discipline , so I think they manage well but er I would like to see a little more but perhaps I 'm a bit old fashioned .
8 Erm and there is an important planning principle which er I would like to draw attention to in in this in in in the approach that we adopt and where we differ from Selby .
9 And sir , both of you , both you sir , Mr and you sir , Mr , er I would like to thank you for the way in the way you have conducted this enquiry .
10 and er I would like to make an appointment to come and see you er again next week to talk over this mortgage and to go into it a bit more
11 However , erm I would like to just add a few comments er I I found it very interesting in that er I would like to chastise the liberal democrats for throwing money problems , you know er in Yorkshire , my grandfather came from Yorkshire they have a saying you know that labour so there there any other party .
12 Er I 'd like to draw your attention to my poster upstairs actually cos we , we have now performed major study of er obstruction in the before and after prostatectomy .
13 Oh are you well I 'll give you a a , I lost it at lunchtime ex-Radio Virgin certificate for being a first time on and er I 'd like to say it 's been a pleasure .
14 Er I 'd like to go for some little light relief at this time of the day , and look at sources of supply .
15 I I listened to Mr speech with some incredulity I must say , but I did listen to what he said and if what he said is true then I I find some of the things disturbing and and er I 'd like to see his figures and I I w I I that there have certainly been er two messages coming to the social services committee in in in that case .
16 I mentioned culture briefly earlier on er I 'd like to define that a little bit better by saying we want a user sitting down in any part of the world to be able to use the product which we develop and feel that it is an accounting application developed for their world and their market place .
17 Now er I 'd like to move on about , to wha erm talk about what you do in your leisure time .
18 Yes er I 'd like to thank everybody for coming along , and I 've I 've said to John , Oop .
19 Er I 'd like to thank now .
20 Er I 'd like to mention the contribution to the market square refurbishment .
21 Er I 'd like to make two statements if if I may , it 's easier for me .
22 Right , colleagues , we 're now going to the Energy and Utilities debate and er I 'd like to propose that we do it in the following fashion .
23 Now I know in the original draft nature conservation interest was mentioned and er I 'd like to hear from North Yorkshire why that factor is taken out of the policy .
24 You also said you played squash regularly erm there was a chap David you mentioned that er you play quite regularly er I 'd like to get in touch with him as well if I could .
25 Now erm let's come on to er the last war and er I 'd like to know what what you did as part of your war effort .
26 Er , we did it erm , er just after 1919 when er , er we started backing the white Russians and erm , before we write off erm everything the Communist er Government of er Russia has done over the last seventy years as being evil , what I think we 've got to be aware of is that we may once more be unleashing the forces of nationalism , which in 1914 , and I think of going up er in the period in the thirties very much lead to erm two world wars , and er I 'd like to know more about er some of the forces the so called democratic forces that are backing erm Mr Yeltsin .
27 The only grass that 's well cut is where people cut it themselves outside their own house but , in particular , erm , th I would like to see the supervision of the contract and that we do n't cough up the money unless the job 's done properly because I think we 're paying for a job that 's not being either done at all , or when it is being done it 's not being done well .
28 Erm , th I 'd like to make a couple of points about traditions , women 's traditions , one is particularly looking at th the oral tradition o , the tradition of poetry in Scotland , and there 's a very rich tradition of Gaelic poetry , and ballad singing , as
29 ‘ If the bones are my family 's I 'd like to see them have a decent Christian burial in a Russian Orthodox church .
30 well I am convinced by Andrew 's explanation erm I would like to say in terms of when we look at the staff costs against budget , and we came in at only eleven thousand pounds less , er I think that is a erm that we , we , we can congratulate our business manager , on the good control that 's been exercised over the past year .
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