Example sentences of "[unc] we 've [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You can see it 's a tense game er we 've said before it 's a local derby and er there are one or two minor problems .
2 Er We 've worshipped on holiday at nine thirty .
3 Well we 've er we 've gained in , in many areas and held in all .
4 Having examined the various sectors er we 've come to the view that there are three sectors which are least worst in that effect , erm which is the north east sector , south east and the south west .
5 So we 've er we 've come to the front and we 've led from the front .
6 Er we 've come to the end of some of the trials .
7 Erm coming in from er on the A six one two from , er we 've come to over the level crossing there .
8 Well , it 's something er I mean obviously a lot of people like the idea of going over to the Swindon Oasis , now er we 've had at the back of our minds , if it was at all possible to er put something similar at Didcot , obviously nothing as grand as the Oasis , but something quite similar , and obviously they would come to Didcot and not bother to go over to Swindon .
9 We er we 've tried to er to meet the the the County Council 's requirements , we 've scaled down our original er provision of erm employment land to take account of the emerging structure plan thinking .
10 Geographical factors can be a motivating factor , er we 've talked about the sun and the influence of the sun .
11 er We , we go out once a week on our bikes just to keep fit for the job more than anything , and have a pint away from the wives , er but er we 've looked into the idea of getting a bike specially made for Joanne , er the little girl who I said suffers from this disease .
12 Would have they put when they put the boiler in cos the boiler w we 've had in three years .
13 But this is about four or five years ago so I mean it 's n we 've moved on a lot since then .
14 Erm we 've heard about the measured approach , the step by step approach er and Mr , has said , please make your mind up one way or another so we can proceed with our local plan preparation .
15 Erm we 've heard from Selby that they could they could provide possible sites for more than one scheme .
16 Erm we 've heard from Mr Williamson that it fills a strategic gap and guidance and that pressures on the countryside are exerted daily and curiously enough it was n't a policy of restraint or restriction .
17 And erm we 've talked about it in committee and decided on the menu that is six forty .
18 We 've talked about various erm We 've talked about various methods of producing energy .
19 I did n't understand her questions was it the figures had come from the private sector I 'm not sure if she understood it herself either erm we 've talked in the social services planning cuts committee about a list of homes for refurbishment and Mr wanted a very long list er a list which would blight every home not on the list .
20 erm We 've got to be very careful about the word ‘ useful ’ , because in my experience it 's perfectly possible for people to know an enormous amount of history and to make terrible mistakes .
21 erm And I think erm we 've got to obviously give them as much respect as possible , because for them to reach the semi-final , the same as us erm they obviously erm have got some useful players .
22 The rooms , erm we 've tried to this has been a bit tied up since the broadcast , we 've tried to have it fairly cluttery so that kids for instance if they 're not used to sheep , can come and come and have a sniff of of of er you know .
23 They say minim we 've got to be minimum of nine players , we 've only got eight .
24 We , we we 've gone through a stage where we 've said , I 'm not good enough , my families not good enough , my home 's not , and my class is n't good , and my my town is n't good enough , erm , and so you go on from that , and you you eventually , but well , you know , what about England .
25 Effec essentially supply we we 've got over s , over supply and that brings down agricultural prices , erm and so wor world prices tend to be a lot lower than they would would have been in the absence of support .
26 But er I mean we We 've spoken about it before , on the platform , and things like that , that I mean everybody knows the score that if something happens if you 're if you 're sleeping you 've not got a an excellent chance , put it like that , I mean you er I mean nobody ever expected anything like what happened on piper to happen any on that scale .
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