Example sentences of "[unc] and [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Er people are very very good actually at enduring them and er and taking them in some ways for granted .
2 And d it was the duty of these police to protect these er er these people , these scabs as they were called , er and escort them from their homes to the pit , and see them back .
3 anyw anyway erm I was talking to her on the bus not too long ago and , I do n't know how it came up but she was talking about Egypt , and er she 'd been apparently oh some a year or two back cos she did a , an evening course on Egyptology and she went through that , but she was telling me about a friend or friends of hers who 'd been er and told me about the trip .
4 Er we we go in and sell the advertising if they er we 'll take over as soon as the current supply runs out we we 'll start offering er and supply it for them .
5 Its two main features are that it lifts cooperative R&D ventures from the suspicion that they are illegal per se and puts them under the rule of reason , and it provides a registration system which protects firms from treble damages in the event that they are subsequently deemed to have violated the antitrust statutes .
6 It was supposed to shoot back up again , hitting my jutting backside en route and pitching me across the stage , but it did n't .
7 And do you know we used to pluck them and we used to fry em er fr and fry them in front of the fire .
8 The additional term may be obtained by substituting the vector potential for B in eqn ( 4.3 ) : unc and rearranging it in the form
9 Now we collect all terms involving unc and write them as a perfect square , and so on , so that ultimately we can write the form as unc where in fact unc and unc while y is related to x by the triangular substitution ( see ( 20 ) ) unc and
10 I went the doctor 's and told him about me back .
11 His brother , Tim drove a pick up similar to Simon 's and parked it in one of Banbury 's main car parks .
12 Secretly , I buy some scales from Woolworth 's and hide them in my room .
13 He picked up one of those brown shiny golf-balls that I had seen at Pike 's and rolled it across the desk to me .
14 The result was the partnership which bought Twr-y-Felin in St David 's and ran it for 18 months until Phil moved on to pursue other interests .
15 Gigia is prepared to escort Oreste and even to collect him from your sister 's and take him to Liverpool from where she sails for Leghorn by way of Marseilles .
16 Gently , he brought his face down on to Joe 's and kissed him on his lips .
17 She twined her fingers through Piers 's and tugged him towards the door .
18 With no more than a curt nod and a : ‘ Come Phoebe ! ’ she hooked her arm through her sister 's and swept her from the kitchen .
19 RIGHT Emmanuel Schikaneder ( 1751–1812 ) — actor , singer , writer , producer and the manager of the Theater auf der Wieden — was an old friend of Mozart 's and encouraged him in writing Die Zauberflöte .
20 He put his arm through Therese 's and drew her into a corner of the room .
21 If your employee is not entitled to SMP , you need to complete form SMP1 and give it to her together with any maternity certificate which she may have given you .
22 It was n't my intention originally to go to the flat , it was my intention to reconnoitre the area in order that I could supply the officers who were going to do the actual operation with up to date information as to erm the methods of getting in to the block of flats because they had a coded key door erm and to acquaint myself of the actual physical erm presence of lifts , stairways and that sort of thing .
23 well I think that , that the , the sending out of the press release immediately was , was quite correct , because obviously people had ride that , sorry people may have read that and something therefore had to be said , my personal view was that really this article is you had , if you like had undone everything that we had been trying to do , erm and put us in a bad light and it maybe my Scottish background , but I do n't like people calling in to question my motives and the companies motives , erm and I felt that it went straight to what we were really standing for , given what I explained about my thoughts in nineteen eighty seven , it was hitting straight to the core of the whole proposition and everything that stood for , erm and that is what was the great concern and because it was n't just like a , a mild slap in the face it was more like a knife in the ribs , it was therefore required a lot more thinking about as to the reaction that we would then have to come up with .
24 I actually invited him when I was Director of the British Film Academy to come to London erm and with the help erm of Brian Coe of Kodak we actually reconstructed about thirty seconds of this two-colour process erm and put it on a screen for our filmmaker colleagues in London .
25 er Chairman thank you for inviting me to come erm here today , er particularly as Mrs who 's the other member of erm , affected by the lorry ban on the A ten eighty eight it 's unfortunate unable to come , erm and thank you for including me in the er consultation process that you 're planning with Norfolk County Council , er Chairman obviously I wish to support this , but just erm if I could make a couple of observations on your paper , erm firstly particular relation to the discussion we just had about Brandon , erm , I am aware Mr Chairman you 've just described the er highways people in Norfolk as very reasonable , but I think that members will see particular if they look at problems like four point one that we do have to handle er working relationships with some care and I would want to express regret while I wo n't be less impolite than that , but Norfolk have not even seen fit to put up signs erm warning of the lorry ban erm in Thetford , erm , which shows er not exactly the spirit of co-operation , I hope we 're going to be able to achieve in the consultations about Brandon and I thought
26 its going to come round at you in a minute , so I 'll talk about it until it gets to you , erm , it delighted my children this particular painting , erm and I decided to put my sort of analytical approach to one side erm and do something with that later , so this poem is from my , my children 's point of view and one of the things that are very interested , they were really worried , that , erm , I think it marks the height of the table and the fact that the puppies might fall off and do themselves some harm , that , I 'll read it while its going round and then I can see then , that , so this is , ok , from my children 's point of view this poem , its called Threes , Table laid and waiting , milk place in bowl not to high , they lap and swirl , played and roll , paws distance from knocking and breaking goblet , made from clay .
27 Elaine handed her friend a bottle of Banks ' and helped herself to a glass of wine .
28 Cut a piece of felt into two pieces 2cms x 2cms and glue one on top of the other on the back of the bear 's head ( Fig 3 ) .
29 Next enter the formula @FV($B$4 , $B$5/12 , D2*12 ) into E2 and copy it from E2 to E3 …
30 She has taken some point made by a friend whom she names — milia and develops it into a full essay .
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