Example sentences of "[unc] [subord] [pers pn] get [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But er I never worked very much after a after I got married .
2 Well again er I would say conditions were were terrible as far as I was concerned , er a as far as tea breaks and what have you were concerned , you did n't have any what we would call official tea breaks , you simply took your chances and made a cup of tea and hid behind a bulkhead or whatever to drink this , er if you got caught by the foreman or the manager or somebody , then you were more or less bagged on the spot .
3 No well I did , old , old erm what 's his name now coo dear there was one old boy he , he , he well he union on this Court of Referees and er cos we got to hear of it .
4 I know it is , it 's not exactly doing a lot for me either but er cos it gets raised every bloody management meeting but I think having discussed the matter we 've actually opened ourselves out a few more options than we probably thought we had
5 his father had a public house in Keighley and then , then er when he got married Jack he bought a little business in Keighley which did n't do so well , so then he went and lived in
6 Well when you when you understand er when you get to understand the products I mean there 's there all our six companies are represented over there er Maggie
7 How old were you er when you got married ?
8 cleani , co cos I got caught pulling a little girl 's pigtails .
9 Erm if you get to ask your mum to come in I 'll just ask her what 's what you 're doing next week .
10 Erm when I got married erm I had a , a , a lump sum of money and erm I was thinking about my daughter about putting some money on one side .
11 Not , not at that particu when they got to hear about it .
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