Example sentences of "[unc] [pers pn] [pers pn] know [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Er I I know you 're submission was was was very clear in in in the sense that you said that you said that the figure proposed by North Yorkshire was would create no problems .
2 Well joking apart that 's the sort of thing that could happen to kids and er you you know you wonder why parents let them out .
3 I mean it 's been a helpful conversation , erm you know I 'm not s I you know you persuaded me , rightly or wrongly , that it 's not that much of an issue in in our fellowship , but it 's something that we do always need to be aware of .
4 She reall s I you know I 've always had trouble with my Oh she I can understand , The poor man she said , I do feel sorry .
5 And er but erm I think my erm sort of brief contacts with coming and visiting , when I actually came to live on the flats , erm I I knew what to expect and er and erm I was n't I was n't surprised at erm you know , how what the living conditions were like .
6 Erm I I know it was in the context of a a question you posed to him that er if he had in fact er accepted the County Council 's housing figures er that would have been an appropriate hundred and twenty two hectares would have been appropriate er on the employment side .
7 The only other thing that may be an answer to the question is erm I I know it seems an about face but are we gon na say that er the other two sergeants that are now managers become A L O's and use them in that capacity and train 'em up .
8 And erm she you know she found it and she really enjoyed it .
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