Example sentences of "[unc] [noun pl] so [that] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It is further intended to change people 's attitudes so that they drive more smoothly and are aware of the kind of roads that they are using and drive at speeds tailored to fit the environment .
2 But in the 1950s the first wave of modern consumerism transformed people 's lifestyles so that they came to expect it to be right and natural that they should have consumer durables ( and increasingly non-durable goods ) .
3 When returning the draft Contract to me duly signed will you let me have a cheque in favour of Messrs. Stanley Tee & Co. for £2,600 the 5% deposit and I will place this on deposit with my firm 's bankers so that it does not lose you interest , so there should be no delay in exchanging contracts once you have received the insurance company 's acceptance of your life proposals .
4 develop other people 's ideas so that they are improved
5 Devlin tossed the beer in his face and upended the table against him , the edge catching the German 's shins so that he staggered forward .
6 Quite rightly , once we have won the battle to raise everyone 's standards so that we all have the same high levels , we can have a single market .
7 My real aims were to get through to John and to keep him alive in people 's minds so that he could n't be forgotten .
8 The staff dress them in a suspect 's clothes so that they can match up bloodstains or slashes . "
9 What they did at a branch on our district erm , again it was just like set up , people were given specific tasks , but at the end of the three month cycle , they 'd change some people , er , those people 's tasks so that they , so they would n't get stagnant , and plus , if one person was off , if you happened to be on holiday , you 've got somebody else that can do the job at the standard and not let the standard fall .
10 Madam Speaker , this announcement is now almost a year delayed the firm of Coopers and Lybrand have been paid one point six million pounds to come up with this ass access charging fiasco , surely this house in entitled to the , as entitled as the press to a full statement of the government 's intentions so that they can be answered by .
11 Rover bought Brayman 's shares so that they could have total control .
12 Yours members should already be aware of the Committee 's recommendations so that they too can lobby MPs and Government contracts , in advance of the Select Committee 's proceedings .
13 If complete public openness is the policy , it might have been expected that the public would have free access to governors ' meetings so that they could hear the arguments for policy and resource allocations within the school .
14 The masks , however , were specially constructed — made from heavy-duty , vulcanised rubber and fitted by stretching them over the actors ' heads so that they clamped underneath the nose and at the back of the crown .
15 As an electoral doctrine , this latter belief goes back at least to Alcibiades , who cut off his dogs ' tails so that he should be talked about ; from which little good came either to him or to Athens .
16 I felt there was public benefit from offering this type of information by radio and I have asked Media Action to let us have the enquirers ' addresses so that we can get a geographical appreciation of where the calls came from ( one or two came from Fife )
17 During her romance she had regularly raided her friends ' wardrobes so that she would have a presentable outfit to go out in .
18 The inevitable lunch followed , since this is the opportunity for the PR executives heavily to plug the project to the assembled journalists ; and to the City boys such as myself and the various stockbrokers ' analysts so that we will continue to rate the company as a ‘ buy ’ .
19 The Cobol migration API recompiles IBM Corp Cobol-based MVS and CICS/6000 applications so that they can run on Tuxedo-based systems .
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