Example sentences of "[unc] [noun pl] [coord] [was/were] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She was going to call out to them , but something in Meredith 's face stopped her , and the next instant he had swept down the stairs with his arm about John Harbour 's shoulders and was gone .
2 She felt her legs grab Terry 's thighs and was trying desperately to push him further inside her .
3 By this time he had hold of Liam 's feet and was pulling .
4 He was deserted by Desiderius and retreated to St Bertrand de Comminges , where he was eventually deserted by his other leading followers ; finally he was tricked into handing himself over to Guntram 's generals and was killed .
5 A spokesman said that the organisation had met fishermen 's leaders and was exploring ‘ possibilities ’ of repairing the harbour and improving the facilities .
6 Germans ? — had manned Campbeltown 's oerlikons and was firing across the entrance .
7 Dennis Hopper , who was to become an important figure in Nicholson 's eventual break into major films , came in on James Dean 's coat-tails and was devastated by Dean 's death , as were Natalie Wood and their other close friend , Nick Adams .
8 When not used for special audiences this room served as a drawing room for the Empress 's ladies and was decorated with portraits of the ‘ friends ’ of the Empress , among them the Countess Walewska , the Duchess de Morny and the Countess de Noailles .
9 In the following decades Cook 's eye-catching posters and brochure covers set the travel industry 's style for selling dreams , as did his first travel magazine The Excursionist which gave details of Cook 's tours and was published regularly in worldwide editions for almost a century .
10 The most recent postponement followed the discovery of irregularities in voters ' lists and was supported by opposition groups .
11 The east and west wings were not , in any case , built to Chambers ' designs but were added , respectively , in the 1820s ( for King 's College ) by Sir Robert Smirke and in the 1850s by Sir James Pennethorne .
12 The terse Latin of a Cambridgeshire assize role records how , in the fourteenth century , a boy went out on stilts after birds ' eggs and was drowned in the heart of the fen .
13 Edward IV himself fell into the rebels ' hands and was sent prisoner first to Warwick castle and then to the Nevilles ' northern stronghold of Middleham in Wensleydale .
14 Edward IV himself fell into the rebels ' hands and was sent prisoner first to Warwick castle and then to the Nevilles ' northern stronghold of Middleham in Wensleydale .
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