Example sentences of "[unc] [noun pl] [modal v] [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 But I would have thought that one lot of er papers would either have gone to the archives office or er been retained in the Advertiser if they amalgamated at some time .
2 However , the company 's activities may already have done irreversible damage to the park , which has been identified as the second most important in the world for bird life , with 10 per cent of all species .
3 Naipaul 's readers could well have become inclined to ask why it is that his novels seem to say that there is nothing to be done in , or with , the countries of their concern .
4 Modern scholars , conscious of the large issues involved in this struggle , have generally found this intrusion of the local and material interests of the church of Canterbury at a critical moment incomprehensible , and having their eyes fixed on the historically more important matters of investiture and homage , they have supposed that Anselm 's eyes must also have been similarly directed .
5 They had about them enough cameras and guide books to assure us that they were tourists , and the lady 's sunglasses could only have been , in Anna 's words , " products of the New World " .
6 Norman Lamont 's calculations will also have been influenced by the fact that , even before Taurus was cancelled , its introduction had been postponed until April 1994 , thereby netting extra revenue from the duty .
7 King Alfred 's successes may well have owed a great deal to his predecessors , but in the construction of his network of defensive fortresses we see an ability to command similar to Offa 's , and perpetuated by his son Edward the Elder and grandson Æthelstan , who conquered all England for the West Saxon dynasty .
8 Though the weapons and equipment are constantly modernised ( the Micks got the new design of helmets two years ago , the new rifles last year , and we are due the new webbing next year ) , Napoleon 's generals would still have recognised the discipline and aggression , as would the Kaiser 's , and Hitler 's .
9 The husband 's advisers will also have regard to the advantages of severance whilst matrimonial proceedings are pending .
10 The naked baby helpless but safe in his mother 's arms would now have to become the helpless victim of unrestrained evil .
11 Great Britain have never won the World Cup but after this summer 's titanic struggle for the Ashes and blessed with home advantage , Mal Reilly 's men will never have a better chance to take the trophy .
12 Zeki 's results would never have been obtained if he had continued to study V4 cells using spectrally pure light sources that are the tradition in visual system physiology , rather than coloured objects which are the normal source of our colour perception .
13 Charles 's territories could already have been described as an empire , in the sense that he ruled over a collection of different political units held together by the allegiance his subjects felt they owed him rather than through a sense of common institutions or common language which could serve as the foundation for a unifying national spirit .
14 A royal charter granted in 1257 to Roger de Merlay for his lifetime , that his own woodwards should have exclusive custody of the vert in his woods , provided however that the king 's foresters should still have custody of the venison there , and that de Morlay 's woodwards should be answerable to the Justice of the Forest , or at the Forest Eyre for any waste of those woods .
15 Milton 's Lycidas , for example , goes conventionally enough into ‘ Elegy and Epitaph ’ , but the poem 's preoccupations could easily have qualified it for ‘ Church , State , and Belief ’ .
16 ‘ In England in Shakespeare 's time , ’ said Owen , disregarding her , ‘ the women 's parts would probably have been played by boys . ’
17 Gen Noriega 's provocations may simply have accelerated a plan that had been ready to be unleashed at any time .
18 789–90 that his oldest son , Charles , should marry one of Offa 's daughters may already have been more an attempt to ‘ patch up bad relations ’ than to give effect to good ones , and , when acceptance of this extremely prestigious offer was made dependent by Offa on one of Charlemagne 's daughters marrying Ecgfrith , so affronted was Charlemagne that he gave orders that no one from Britain and the Anglian race was to land on the sea-coast of Gaul for the sake of commerce .
19 Clients ' attitudes may also have a bearing on which alternative is chosen .
20 Erm well it 'll be useful I think for you , I me , assuming that peoples ' timetables may well have changed a bit since er , the beginning of last term it 'll be useful if you
21 Had it not been for their masks , the Phantasms ' faces must surely have blistered — a gulf of rising furnace-air yawned beyond that hatch .
22 Employees ' spouses may also have difficulty in finding work in the new area .
23 Transfer of their opponents ' votes would then have decided the order in which UUUC candidates were eliminated .
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