Example sentences of "[unc] [noun pl] [adv] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Too often time on site is absorbed in dealing with contractor 's queries rather than in looking at the work .
2 Constance , whose confidence was growing daily , was not prepared to give in to Nicky 's wishes merely because of his sex .
3 The Workbooks mirror the Student 's Books so that for every Student 's Book unit , there is a parallel page of Workbook exercises .
4 The Secretary of State for the Environment 's speeches today and during the Queen 's Speech were full of jokes and banter , but many of my constituents do not view the costly shambles of the poll tax as much of a laughing matter .
5 Having acknowledged that all children need the intellectual stimulation provided by the school curriculum , the question is , how do we , as teachers , devise a teaching scheme which focuses on each child 's strengths rather than on ‘ deficiencies ’ ?
6 Sydney , Australia 's Dawn Technologies Pty has formed Auspex Systems Australia to market Auspex 's servers there and in New Zealand expecting $3m in sales its first year .
7 Sue hopes the display of Louisa 's pictures there and in neighbouring villages will stir more memories of the eager young photographer , about whom very little is known .
8 He attended the assembly 's sessions regularly and on several occasions used it as a parliamentary forum in which to press his case .
9 A guessing game goes on with the diviner responding to the client 's cues so that at the end of the consultation , the client departs with all his worst suspicions amply confirmed .
10 All of them have to hear people 's needs regularly and at first hand , and judge for themselves how well they ( and other lesbian and gay services ) are meeting them .
11 Users had to present their data in ways laid down by the DP department ; they found themselves bound by the DP department 's priorities rather than by their own ; and , in addition , they had to compete with colleagues for use of the computer 's facilities .
12 Erm whilst I 've not been able to produce an audited er set of accounts I do have er a set of figures for you erm and as you said at the the beginning of your opening er speech Mr Chairman that erm we had one or two losses during the year , those er in actual fact did n't erm affect us in thi this particular financial year as they were aimed at the September December period , but therefore they will be reflected in next year 's figures not or in the current year 's figures or the next annual general meeting 's figures .
13 Studies which address such complexities tend to be performed in women 's studies rather than within feminist psychology .
14 Miss Logan was near-sighted , and consequently it was from Miss Fergusson 's features rather than from personal observation that she grasped what was happening .
15 It is especially interesting that the highest concentrations of the toxins occur in the butterfly 's wings rather than in its body .
16 Crossing again to the fireplace , I gazed at it with awe , and had I been of a religious bent I would have fallen on my knees and prayed that the water would meet Nigel 's requirements so that on winter evenings , when we were doing our Darby and Joan bit , we could sit and worship the spirit of the fire , the hearth , the very essence of our home .
17 It is also possible to argue that less sensitive and reflective young readers might prefer Astrid Lindgren 's Pippi Longstocking stories , or relate to Erica in Jan Mark 's Handles rather than to the solitary Toms , Maxes , and Tollies .
18 The new rule , which comes into operation on 1 February , does not apply to valuations of shares prepared under s 108 , Companies Act 1985 , before the allotment of a public company 's shares otherwise than for cash .
19 The point could be simply made if psychology modelled on the natural sciences were always ‘ behavioural ’ and concerned with the actors ' brains rather than with their minds .
20 They fear that bankers may now reckon to get a better return by selling off firms ' assets quickly than by keeping debtors alive .
21 Total foreign debt now represented nearly two-fifths of Greece 's gross domestic product ( GDP ) — four times more than in the late 1970s .
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