Example sentences of "[unc] [noun pl] [conj] [v-ing] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Erm and so now rich peasants are actually actively seeking to join er associations but finding it difficult , I mean they have to be er pay an additional admission fee may be ten yuan or , or whatever , you know , usually far higher than the normal peasant or erm they have to get someone to actually put their name forward to say that you know they 're not such a bad bloke .
2 The government was essentially faced with the option of winding down MDC 's operations or extending its boundaries .
3 Because she was staying at home with her father Eva had the task of sorting out her mother 's possessions and sharing them with the family .
4 He was transferred in 1853 to the prefectorate of the Department of the Seine , which included Paris , and he remained there until 1870 ; for the whole of this period he remained the Emperor 's man , charged with executing his master 's projects and doing them quickly .
5 ‘ I 'm showing Melanie the neighbourhood , ’ said Finn , clutching his sister 's shoulders and rocking her kneeling form to and fro in an embrace which made her laugh soundlessly until she looked like a young girl .
6 Absolutely , ’ he said , hooking an arm around the man 's shoulders and leading him from the porch .
7 So much can be conveyed by putting your arms around someone 's shoulders or giving them a kiss .
8 Their dedication and support have been invaluable in both accounting for the Association 's funds and managing them effectively .
9 Churchill was contemptuous of Butler for occupying so marginal a Cabinet post — ‘ wiping the children 's noses and smacking their bottoms during war-time ’ — and exhorted him to steer well clear of the Public School question and , even more , of the religious settlement .
10 Joe has been learning the great man 's speeches and studying his mannerisms , but does he really look likely Winston at all ?
11 The consultant has explained that Tourette 's Syndrome is a rare and unfortunate condition , and he should fucking well know about those , he 's right off the Christmas tree , probably spent half his life sucking strange men 's cocks or taking it up the arsehole in a public loo in the Charing Cross Road .
12 " And taken a knife to them , " Graham said , looking down at Slater 's legs and shrugging his arm free of the light grip which held it .
13 This approach allows us to offer a coherent politics , allying ourselves with people 's aspirations while fulfilling our true purpose of advancing the wider and longer-term interests of the whole community .
14 However , in enriching people 's lives and revolutionizing their thinking , perestroika had heightened social and economic expectations , and had unleashed sometimes conflicting political tendencies and social forces .
15 Readings such as Paula Bennett 's enable us to see that Dickinson 's Poems and Inventing Ourselves are both Books of Revelations .
16 One further return to Carolingian precedent occurred at the very end of Louis VII 's reign , when coinage from the king 's mints and bearing his image began to circulate outside the royal demesne for the first time since the late ninth century .
17 He had a bag in his hand and he was taking everyone 's passports and putting them in it .
18 AN EMINENT scientist stands accused of stealing his former PhD student 's ideas and publishing them under his own name .
19 Intermittently , for more than 20 years , he has accused the Soviet Union of meddling in Romania 's affairs and infringing its sovereignty .
20 We can look to our institutions of higher education becoming more rational in their inner processes , with their members working together in articulating a shared view of an institution 's aims and fulfilling them in a corporate way .
21 There is no doubt that Unionists believed in what they were doing or that they saw the government 's actions as justifying their responses .
22 It is the skilled job of the social workers to help the foster parents cope by understanding their anxiety , explaining the child 's difficulties and helping them to get along together .
23 These included being prepared to listen and acknowledge Tony 's difficulties , helping his father and girlfriend view them in a more understanding way , after allowing them to ventilate their feelings , clarifying the nature of Tony 's problems and helping him focus on those which he could do something about .
24 But systematic doubt is a handy weapon for dismissing our opponent 's beliefs and establishing our own only if we ignore our own presuppositions .
25 The capability of removing women 's eggs and placing them in another woman 's womb , has given rise to the question for the first time in human history who is the biological mother ?
26 We sceptics when it comes to healing the world 's infirmities and redeeming its great sins .
27 The providers of training ended up playing the government 's games and giving it credibility when it was in reality doing nothing in a serious situation .
28 Their Majesties mount the platform and remain standing under a canopy , having on their right the ministers , marshals , admirals and the Court officers ; on their left are the Empress 's ladies and facing them , the diplomatic body .
29 Held , dismissing the appeal , that once the father had acquiesced in the removal of the children within the meaning of article 13 ( a ) , the court in the exercise of its discretion under that article was entitled to take into account the interests of the children even though there was no grave risk to them if they were returned to their place of residence within the meaning of article 13 ( b ) ; but that , under article 13 ( a ) , the children 's interests were not paramount and had to be balanced against the purpose of the Convention , which was the return of children wrongfully removed within the meaning of article 3 ; and that , accordingly , the judge had rightly considered the children 's interests when exercising her discretion under article 13 ( post , pp. 546G — 547E , F–G , 548G — 549A ) .
30 The second one is erm a bottom up study which is based on today 's commitments but projecting them forward into the timescale in which we will have the aircraft and looking in that way to see how many and and in what way we would need them .
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