Example sentences of "[unc] [noun pl] [conj] [vb base] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 And they used to catch pheasants and er I had to clean I had to pluck these pheasants and er birds and get them ready and ready for them to put in the oven .
2 Well I mean the most of them will obviously go to the cash and er to the er supermarkets and pick it up .
3 There 's a tremen oh yes , yeah , there is a limit , so maybe what you 're doing is just assessing is this going to give er problems or have we got put a gang on specifically moving things around .
4 According to officers stationed at Darlington , the silent majority now support Mr Thompson 's plans and believe they could even speed response times to house fires in the town .
5 When it became known that the Government had said it could not afford to honour Nelson 's wishes and help her out , the tradesmen to whom she still owed money closed in .
6 The sale proceeds will be used to pay off Heywood Williams 's debts and give it net cash of £65 million to fund expansion .
7 The choice of McLeish as captain will , Roxburgh believes , remove an unwanted , additional pressure from McStay 's shoulders and let him be the midfield schemer who orchestrates the emphatic victory essential to Scotland 's progress .
8 Some deaths , injuries and serious damage have been caused by young people who take other people 's cars and drive them at high speed .
9 ‘ Funny , ’ says Hulk Hogan , just before Secret Shine turn up in their bloodied butcher 's aprons and dismember him with their thumbs so they can use his torso to stir some soup made from doctors , ‘ I thought all the bands on Sarah were useless , overly well-spoken , terminally passive rock inadequates wallowing in their own love of wimping insipidness . ’
10 The clear , vivid patterns excite the zebra 's eyes and give it a sensation of strong identity , as if it were the member of a football team or a sports club with conspicuous striped shirts .
11 He ordered Rose to take one of Effie 's legs and lift it on to her shoulders , and McAllister the other , to make it easier for him to help the insistent baby on its way .
12 A key assumption in economics is that money can be used to buy things that satisfy people 's wants and make them happy ( ‘ utilities ’ ) .
13 ‘ I 'M very suspicious of people who take other people 's lives and make them into what they call theatre , ’ Ford says .
14 The Lord Chancellor will be given power to make rules allowing magistrates to disallow a solicitor 's costs or order him to pay costs if he fails to act reasonably competently or expeditiously .
15 The new appointments demonstrate a commitment by the Saatchi brothers to restore the company 's fortunes and suggest they are a long way from turning their backs on the business they built .
16 Social workers are committed to promoting the well-being of individuals , families , groups , and communities and are expected to identify , develop and mobilize available resources to meet people 's needs and help them function at their best possible level .
17 they did , they nick everybody else 's ideas and turn them into something else so well
18 Mr Gummer should pick up Mr MacSharry 's ideas and remould them to meet sensible criteria .
19 Eckstein says he may ring up Levi 's executives and tell them into which bodily part they can stick their proposal .
20 ‘ Club directors are laymen and not football experts , which is why Liam has been asked to look at the team 's problems and advise us about what he is going to do about them .
21 Now , keep signing Rob 's cheques and let me have Susan Hart 's phone number . ’
22 George would take the credit for all Tom 's successes and blame him for his own failures .
23 ‘ Hello , I 'm from the Jehovah 's Witnesses and have you ever felt that your life is going nowhere …
24 I have left the dialogue unchanged but removed some of the author 's comments and set it out in sociological rather than novelistic conventions .
25 This would help expand Moby 's loyalties and prevent him from becoming too dependent on his main daytime companion .
26 Their festivals were to be a commemoration of God 's acts and even some of their clothes were to carry a reminder : ‘ Into this tassel you shall work a violet thread , and whenever you see this in the tassel , you shall remember all the Lord 's commands and obey them . ’
27 She had laid him in Dot 's arms and let her hold him on her own .
28 They too drain the vitality out of women 's tears and replace them with passivity , penance and guilt .
29 Beyond that sea rises a mountain range and beyond that stretches a vast desert where the sun twists round and beats down so hot it would dry out an eagle 's wings and turn them to dust if he flew too long .
30 ‘ All of us pay tribute to Chris 's achievements and wish him , and his wife Hilary , every success and happiness in the future ’ .
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