Example sentences of "[unc] [noun pl] [conj] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Our ’ was born on the 11 th of Sept. , so we have not yet broken the all female barrier … she 's a healthy 8lbs. 13ozs. & giving & 4/5 hours space between feeds .
2 I have enclosed our response to Government 's proposals and hope that , despite its late arrival , it will be taken into account before the proposals are finalised .
3 The Polish government debated von Ribbentrop 's proposals and decided that , if granted , concessions to Hitler would start rather than end with Danzig , and would lead to demands for the return of Mazuria , Poznań and Silesia .
4 BIIBA wanted a stay of execution on Fimbra 's plans and thought that it had gained such a deal when its chairman , David Palmer , met Fimbra chairman Lord Elton .
5 I wrote to the planning officer on 10 April 1991 enclosing a copy of my earlier letter , and again on 6 July 1991 when the matter was raised in the Minutes of the Land and Properties Sub-Committee , restating the Parish Council 's views and asking that they should be involved in the discussions of the future of the site .
6 It was my intention to carry out Charlie 's wishes and see that his share of the money was distributed equally between his three sisters .
7 Looks of surprise were exchanged all round them as he set an arm round Lachlan 's shoulders that stiffened and then relaxed ; and then the cheering erupted .
8 It is the risk to public order inherent in the defendant 's words or conduct that represents the harm struck at by the section .
9 What is the purpose , for example , of awarding compensation to a person who has acted to his detriment in reliance upon another 's words or conduct when the parties have not reached an agreement ?
10 The Queen agreed to some of Diana 's demands but insisted that she accompany Charles to Korea .
11 And if she did , she would look into Carrie 's mind with her witch 's eyes and know that she knew that it was Mrs Gotobed weeping upstairs , and that she was remembering what Mr Evans had said .
12 Similarly it is soon accepted that the ‘ ostrich ’ theory of closing one 's eyes and assuming that thereby either oneself or things in the environment will actually disappear is not tenable .
13 Topaz saw the misery in her visitor 's eyes and remembered that once Timothy had mentioned Lady West and her daughter .
14 I handed over my life 's savings and promised that I would give her the other nineteen and six before the year was up .
15 The Washington Post of Nov. 21 gave prominence to Rafsanjani 's declarations and reported that " India announced this week that it will not sell a nuclear reactor to Iran , largely because of mounting international pressure " .
16 ‘ Nonsense , ’ replied the nurses , ‘ you 're not even three fingers dilated , ’ until one of them , a girl with a lot of red hair , opened Wendy 's legs and looked and screeched , ‘ But I can see the head !
17 It 's been enormously successful because we 've done it on an activist basis so that activists have met one another , all those prejudices and all those stereotypes have immediately vanished as soon as people have stayed in one another 's homes and realized that people have the same problems , they have the same , they have the same problems and the same difficulty er as difficulties as we do .
18 As far as he could , he would keep a record of the magician 's movements and see if they added up to a meaningful pattern .
19 Few suffer the agony of Johanna Young 's parents and find that their worst nightmare has become a reality .
20 But then again yo you 're you 're advised against going over the speed limit that most people do , I do I I tell yo like I said I 'm not a saint cos like a couple of times when I was first driving , especially in my fucking sprint cos it was a quick car I used to drive up people 's arses and wait until I could overtake them and if they did slow down that used to incense me and I 'd fucking , I 'd go right up there arse and then probably try and cut them up when I went , overtook them and I s fucking learnt , I got a I had a couple of close calls like , people are slamming brakes on and stuff
21 To do that , it is right to examine people 's incomes and to see whether they can afford the tax .
22 Kemalpasazade sought the advice of Mueyyedzade who counselled him to feign acceptance of Hacihasanzade 's proposal ; and when , on the next day , the latter petitioned the sultan , Bayezid II , to appoint Kemalpasazade to a kadilik , Mueyyedzade intervened , speaking highly of Kemalpasazade 's abilities and asking that he not be wasted in a kadilik but rather that he be given the vacant Taslik medrese so that he might busy himself with the pursuit of learning .
23 She does not dispute society 's conventions but states that a woman of spirit and goodness , like Eliza , need not submit to the pressures of society where those pressures are unreasonable .
24 While many hoteliers get upset because successive governments appear to ignore the industry 's needs and say that it can look after itself , he regards that as a compliment .
25 Bukharin advanced the case that the right of self-determination be restricted to the ‘ toiling masses ’ , buttressing his argument with quotations from Lenin 's writings that affirmed that the Party 's task was to secure the ‘ self-determination of the working class ’ rather than that of peoples .
26 Elisabeth returned Daniel 's caresses and murmured that she loved him .
27 Example 2:18 Covenant to yield up tenant 's fixtures at the expiry or sooner determination of the tenancy to yield up the demised property including all tenant 's fixtures in good repair and clean and tidy Example 2:19 Covenant to remove tenant 's fixtures if required if so required by the landlord by written notice given not later than three months before the term date to remove ( or pay for the removal of ) all fixtures affixed to the demised property by the tenant or such of them as may be specified in the notice Example 2:20 Covenant by tenant to inquire about removal of fixtures not later than six months before the expiry of the term to inquire in writing of the landlord which ( if any ) tenant 's fixtures the landlord requires the tenant to remove on the termination of the term
28 Bill Rathje , a professor of archaeology at the University of Arizona , is one of the few people who has burrowed into America 's landfills and weighed and measured their contents — a treatment usually reserved for the dustbins of rock stars .
29 I agree unreservedly with the right hon. Gentleman 's comments and believe that they will be echoed throughout the country .
30 Across the road to the butcher 's where they looked in the window to see back at the reflection of Hogan 's Outfitters and realise that Sean Walsh had gone back inside to the empire that would one day be his .
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