Example sentences of "[unc] [noun pl] [verb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 While watching the Moi trackers scurrying up the trees , he began to daydream of how he would return alone to compete with all the youths of her village in feats of strength and athleticism .
2 Er and seek good qualified er Consultants to carry out the work which could be deliberated on by the various Committees of the County Council and the District and that work has been done and I think if I saw anything Chairman from the meeting on the twenty second of December at St Albans , it was that form very first time three political parties took up the policy and they started to address particular issues er er er we believe less measures partaken .
3 That morning , as he galloped along the ride between the trees in the Tiergarten , his horse 's hooves kicked up the powdered snow filling him with a fierce joy .
4 Its reporter 's attempts to implement even the most modest of safeguards for the people affected by the proposals , were simply dismissed by the Scottish Secretary , this time wearing the ‘ non-interventionist ’ hat of adjudicator on the inquiry 's finding and recommendations .
5 ( Zhores Medvedev 's attempts to spell out the injury thus caused to scientific-technical advance landed him in a mental hospital . )
6 Or one of Satan 's scouts calling up the legions of the damned from the abyss of Hell ?
7 Patrick Benson 's illustrations match both the humour and the tenderness of the words .
8 The Tokugawa 's enemies took up the rallying cry of ‘ revere the emperor and expel the barbarian ’ ( sonnó0 jó0i ) , and kept it long after their leaders realized the impossibility of bringing external contacts to an end .
9 Dissension among France 's enemies broke up the Second Coalition , though not before Russia 's most revered commander , Suvorov , had temporarily driven the French from northern Italy and conducted a legendary retreat through the Swiss Alps .
10 The Royal College of Nursing is to lobby Parliament on 24 October in protest at the Government 's plans to shake up the National Health Service , the union has announced .
11 LEGAL peers renewed their attack on the Government 's plans to shake up the legal profession yesterday , when the Courts and Legal Services Bill had its second reading in the Lords .
12 We both push and heave and the man 's shoulders scrape over the rim ; his arms drag up and over as Andy pushes , grunting , feet slipping on the old leaves and soil .
13 Liverpool 's fans pumped up the volume before the kick-off in an attempt to unnerve Spartak .
14 Only Edward 's eyes gave away the measure of his dismay — and Forest was avoiding his gaze .
15 Women 's eyes detected only the signs .
16 The woman was wandering at random , in loose zigzags it seemed , until Jay 's eyes picked out the curling shifting edge of the sea .
17 Grant 's eyes swept up the massive three storied building to the roof .
18 Rangers needed all of 20 minutes to catch their breath , responding to this constant raiding with play that was neat but frantic , despite Seaman 's signals to slow down the game .
19 Mr Ishaq has also been at work on the Sindh assembly , in which Miss Bhutto 's supporters make up the biggest group .
20 Eventually the wife 's parents took over the coffee supplying and started a tea room in the shop .
21 The arrangements of tins of soup , women 's hats and men 's shoes seemed exactly the same as a year ago .
22 Outside , they heard Sybil 's shoes clattering up the stone steps .
23 Ann , in 1913 , would have been the same age as Edward 's mother and , from family hearsay , Ann 's sentiments resemble closely the practical , optimistic piety of Mary Elizabeth Thomas .
24 GrandMet — whose enquiry to UBS about the book 's contents sparked off the row uses nine out of 12 possible accounting devices .
25 It was left to the capital 's campuses to take up the baton .
26 Their duty is to tell blacks that although group political activism can stop discrimination , growing rich , wise and safe is then up to the individual — to hammer home a message of homework , punctuality , saving and self-discipline , the things that helped America 's immigrants get off the floor .
27 Charlie 's departure is the first of several , and this event is succeeded by the announcement of a further theme when the rabbi 's thunderings pass over the heads of his congregation and the writer notes : ‘ in later years I would wonder how different my life might have been if a few people , those closest to me , had been frightened — just a little . ’
28 It was clear that the ship 's officers spotted simultaneously the gold caste mark which was imprinted on the lieutenant 's cheek .
29 Children 's paintings hung on the gate of a timber yard , the most restrained moment of a day long protest against the tropical timber trade .
30 If SCO lets its MIPS development ride , one reason is certainly Intel 's efforts to pump up the performance — now reported at over 100 MIPS — and accelerate delivery schedules for the P5 .
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