Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] or [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 At the very least , the precaution of staining thin sections with Alizarin Red S and potassium ferricyanide ( Chapter 4 ) is required as a rapid and sensitive method of determining whether variation in CL intensity is likely to be due to fluctuations in Mn activator or to the presence of Fe as a quencher .
2 They would make pails and basins like you were being requiring in your sc er scullery or in the milk house as you would keep milk there .
3 But in a two-hour interview with reporters of the Scottish Daily Record he listed some fifteen details of the layout of the Ross bungalow and what was in it , information not mentioned at Meehan 's trial or in the newspapers , and which he could only have known if he had been there , all of which Mr Ross confirmed ( ‘ Colour of bedroom quilts was pink ’ , ‘ A light tan suit was in the bedroom wardrobe ’ , ‘ An alarm clock with black face and luminous hands stood in the hatchway to the kitchen ’ , etc . ) .
4 To dismiss them out of hand is a sign either of defective knowledge or lack of imagination on the reader 's part or of the author 's incapacity to convince .
5 In patients with a stone impacted in Hartmann 's pouch or with an acute complication caused by gall stones , the gall bladder was electively decompressed by percutaneous cholecystostomy , carried out under local anaesthesia , for seven to 10 days before the stones were removed .
6 These are concealed either within the fitting 's baseplate or within the recessed connection box .
7 He 'll find himself on a brain-shrinker 's couch or in the bin if he does n't get a hold of himself . "
8 A wyvern without a rider can be employed either to launch an early attack on your enemy 's artillery or on a powerful character .
9 This defeatism , unwarranted either by the fragility of Reagan 's mandate or by the public opinion polls , led the Speaker meekly to surrender his control over the legislative schedule by agreeing to an accelerated timetable allowing for final votes on the president 's programme by mid-summer .
10 Transport is provided for those parents who require it , either by the caretaker using the school 's mini-bus or by the part-time school social worker .
11 Under s665(2) , a settlement shall not be deemed to be revocable by reason only : ( a ) that it contains a provision under which any income or assets will or may become payable to or applicable for the benefit of the settlor , or the wife or husband of the settlor , on the bankruptcy of the settlor 's child or in the event of an assignment of or charge on that income or those assets being executed by the settlor 's child ; or ( b ) that it provides for the determination of the settlement by the act or on the default of any person in such a manner that the determination will not , during the lifetime of the settlor 's child , benefit the settlor or the wife or husband of the settlor ; or ( c ) in the case of a settlement to which section 33 of the Trustee Act 1925 applies , that it directs income to be held for the benefit of the settlor 's child on protective trusts , unless the trust period is a period less than the life of the child or the settlement specifies some event on the happening of which the child would , if the income were payable during the trust period to him absolutely during that period , be deprived of the right to receive all or part of the income .
12 He worked either at Beatrice Hastings 's place or at the large studio owned by the painter Frank Burty Haviland , in the Rue du Schoelcher — conveniently near Picasso 's place , for Frank was a disciple .
13 An entry can be made by any part of the accused 's body or by an instrument held by the accused to intimidate someone in the building or to remove goods from the building .
14 Look in any Golf Club professional 's shop or at the advertisements in any golfing magazine and you will see everywhere the implication that ‘ professional ’ clubs need to be different from those used by ordinary golfers .
15 This may show itself by an improvement in the child 's behaviour or in the resolution of some lingering problem , such as the slight cough or persistently runny nose .
16 Any suggestion of a re-enactment of Christ 's sacrifice or of a bodily presence in the bread and wine was now removed from the communion service .
17 4.1 The Publisher shall not be legally responsible for any loss or damage ( howsoever arising ) to the Work its illustrations and other related material while it is in the Publisher 's custody or in the course of production .
18 4.1 The Publisher shall not be legally responsible for any loss or damage ( howsoever arising ) to the Work its illustrations and other related material while it is in the Publisher 's custody or in the course of production .
19 This list is not intended to be exhaustive , and certainly does not include areas where your nursing qualification is used indirectly , such as working as a children 's nanny or as a sales representative for a pharmaceutical or product manufacturer .
20 This may be taken either at the time of your child 's birth or during the weeks following , for example , when the mother and baby leave hospital .
21 Bangladeshi babies are thought to be vulnerable , and they sleep close to other people both day and night ; at night they are either in the mother 's bed or in a cot next to it , a practice also reported by Farooqi et al .
22 Therefore it can either be seen as Susan 's capital or as a current account balance due to Susan .
23 The answer to the question whether motivation arousal patterns derive from one 's past or from the situation in which one finds oneself is that they derive from both .
24 Nor did she manage to swoon at the sound of Elvis 's voice or at the mention of Big Bopper .
25 There was little apology in Luke 's voice or in the look he gave the other man , and Fred laughed .
26 Some slept rough , the more streetwise would find their way onto somebody 's floor or into a squat …
27 The indirect customer rules may apply whether the firm is acting as the customer 's broker or as a counterparty .
28 Stop anywhere for a few minutes on a summer 's day and you are likely to end up as an unpaid extra in next year 's calendar or on a biscuit tin .
29 terminals in restaurants , switchboard , porters desks , housekeeping office to post charges direct to the guest 's account or in the case of the housekeeper to enquire or update on the room status ;
30 Lord Haldane L. C. upheld the general principles in the Rice case but refused access to the housing inspector 's report or to the Board itself : when a matter is entrusted to a department of state or similar body , Parliament should be taken , subject to contrary intent , to have meant that it could follow its own procedure which would enable it to work with efficiency .
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