Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] and be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Thus for BrF the first band shows a splitting of about 0·32 eV and is clearly due to a level largely localized on Br ; in IBr ( Fig. 6.18 ) the first two bands show splittings of 0·58 and 0·36 eV and are assigned to lone-pairs mainly localized on I and Br , respectively .
2 That 's starting to take er effect and is actually beginning to er , to pay off .
3 I remember doing the mate 's cabin and being mildly surprised to find two cartons of cigarettes and two bottles of whisky in an obvious place under the bottom drawer of his bunk .
4 The arch-Kinnockites in the Tribune Group have shifted entirely into John Smith 's camp and are thus considered to have come out in their true colours as right-wingers .
5 ( By moving up from the level of salesman in his insurance company , he 'd sacrificed a firm 's car and was rather careful about using his own . )
6 A lot of Mickeys and Goofys recognized John 's condition and were especially kind to him .
7 But there is another , perhaps rather less obvious , reason to avoid candid recording which is associated with the subject 's self-image and is most easily understood by continuing to draw a parallel with photography .
8 She is not an established lady in what was very much a man 's industry and is highly respected by both drivers and haulage operators over a wide area .
9 They are attached to the speaker 's clothing and are virtually invisible on shot .
10 The third rig , holding Deputy Fenton 's four-man guard detail and their captives , had pulled onto the wide verge ahead of Rocky 's vehicle and was now awaiting more prisoners to fill its spacious interior , if all went according to plan .
11 This product starts life as a fully brewed Tennent 's Lager and is then de-alcoholised .
12 Hinduism is followed by 85 per cent of India 's population and is more a way of life than a religion .
13 There are such cases — where a novel idea originated with the Committee 's Opinion and is then taken into the legislation , where a national judge or European Advocate-General cites a Committee report or where a member of the European Parliament says in evidence that he will prepare an amendment to respond to a concern expressed by a sub-committee and then does so .
14 The two were in Ralph 's team and were never to split up .
15 Marie Haworth joined after her husband 's funeral and is now an active member .
16 I had been trying to get a membership list for the Cicero Club , but the only other name I could come up with was George Macready , a scarfaced iceman who had a profitable share of the City 's gambling and was best known for his sword-extruding walking stick .
17 Alan Travers had risen to prominence in his wife 's organisation and was now one of the Family Party 's two members of parliament .
18 Austin Lewis , deputy opposition leader in the federal Senate , responded to the poll by criticizing Peacock 's leadership and was promptly dismissed from the shadow Cabinet .
19 As no form of updating had taken place the room was in need of considerable physical repair … much of the stock dated back to the school 's opening and was therefore unsuitable for the pupils and curriculum of today .
20 Sigeberht paid regular visits to King Oswiu 's court and was also eventually baptized at Ad Murum by Bishop Fínán , Oswiu then sending priests to the eastern Saxons , most notably Cedd , who was now detached from the Middle Anglian mission and subsequently consecrated bishop of the eastern Saxons by Fínán ( HE 111 , 22 ) .
21 Bucaram 's supporters , who boycotted the session , refused to accept Bonilla 's appointment and were forcibly removed from the Congress building on Oct. 20 by the police .
22 The Captain , Commander Bayldon , went to Portsmouth to interview some Marine Pensioners for the Steward 's replacement and was presumably successful as Sergeant Hembury and his wife were employed shortly after at £1 10s. 0d. per week , plus board and lodging .
23 He added : ‘ Serious allegations of this sort , if they are proven , have a bearing on a person 's career and are always thoroughly investigated .
24 Togodumnus had succeeded to his father 's kingdom and was also hostile to Rome .
25 Each must respect the other 's role and be as open as possible — not with the public but with each other .
26 ‘ Bobby was the people 's captain and was extremely proud to lead his club and country and he achieved the ultimate goal of raising the World Cup in the summer of 1966 .
27 He snatches a loaf from the baker 's counter and is promptly run into gaol .
28 Mr. Constantine has a very pleasant evening and a good night 's sleep and is suitably impressed with the furniture and fittings , especially the bathroom and the luxurious towels .
29 She is a local farmer 's daughter and was quite used to cooking for her six brothers and one sister .
30 In I had nine people to call , had evokes the state of having the people on one 's list and is thus expressive of a concrete obligation to call them .
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