Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] and [subord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In Ireland , Barbara had learned a method of making cheese with unskimmed cow 's milk and when she returned to Ayrshire she introduced the new process .
2 If they give advice , they mainly do it after a lifetime 's experience and because they are anxious to help — though I 'll not deny that some parents can be real nasties as far as their children are concerned .
3 During the interview , MacKie was asked to explain why nearly two million Shanks & McEwan shares had been sold with ‘ indecent haste ’ , after a meeting with the company 's chairman and if he had been told that Shanks & McEwan were going to issue a profits warning to the stock market .
4 Laidlaw had been detained by the police only hours after Barak 's murder and although they had interrogated him at regular intervals every four hours , trying to break him down , he had managed to stick to his story .
5 He finished tying a big bow dead on Kim 's cleavage and as she turned to go , she winked at me .
6 ‘ Everything here will be available to Mr Riddle 's lawyer and if I have to take anything away I shall give you a receipt . ’
7 It is placed in your child 's seat and if he moves off it , the pressure-sensitive cushion sounds the alarm .
8 Since the Brownings ' present had paid the year 's rent and since she had managed the household so economically there was an actual income , growing monthly , from the boarders , upon which they could live .
9 ‘ But I will tell you this , I shall not be beaten , I will rebuild my father 's business and when I do , I want you all to return to work for me . ’
10 The rumour , therefore , was given time to breed and , for my own honour 's sake and for hers , I could do nothing , nothing , but endure it … ’
11 Obviously then , each one of us should understand doubt for God 's sake and for ours .
12 I thought we 'd got such a good start , knowing my mother 's name and where I was born . ’
13 I told him Lucille 's name and where she lived .
14 Finally we observe that unc and so , if we replace the unc sign by + , if we simply drop the unc sign and if we then agree to write unc we establish a notational way of writing polynomials that we might just find a little easier to work with !
15 Mr D. Davidson turned out to be Alec 's father and after I had identified myself as an old school-friend of Alec 's — I allowed myself a little poetic licence in this description — he confirmed that Alec still lived in Strondonald .
16 The second point is that many people lean forwards as they slap down the opponent 's punch and so you need to remember that there are two fists to worry about here , not one !
17 But that was against the non-white Cricket Board 's policy and when he refused to apologise , he was banned from playing with people of his own race .
18 To get to the Fish Co-operative he had to pass Riddle 's yard and as he did so Matthew was getting into one of the firm 's vans ; he carried a clip-board and a surveying tape .
19 Failing that you could check out your bank balance and treat yourself to a stay at Champneys health resort which has recently installed a Skier 's Edge and where they gear workouts to your ski-specific needs .
20 Stephen finished fifth overall in last year 's championship and although he won this round at the circuit last year , he will face tough competition from the mainland entrants .
21 Well , pretty fair , because then they used to go down Botterman 's Bay and where they used to er , the dock was in the hold , that was all loose grain and they used to put four bushels to the , so they used a bushel skip like that , wh which was a wooden one with a handle each side and they 'd go into the wheat
22 It claims Michael Heseltine wrote two letters to SFV saying he 'd read the company 's brochure and because it did n't run package holidays there was no need for insurance .
23 Christian joy is found when we hold on to God 's hand and when we learn that fabulous certainty with which we can step out into the uncertainties of the coming day .
24 The latter is a very slow growing starter and is happier without peat at planting time — in fact , it grows best for me in builder 's rubble and when it does get going soon catches up on lost time .
25 I want Martin to be Cullam 's shadow and if he goes and pays cash for that refrigerator we 're really getting somewhere .
26 But up to your right , where the estuary flows into the sea , that 's Mr Swinton 's land and although I know no harm in him myself , they say — they say he does n't like trespassers , Miss Alexandra .
27 He talked glowingly about nuclear powered aircraft but this was beyond Argentina 's ability and so they settled for more conventional designs .
28 Now what happens when you go to the station on a Sunday to park your car and find all the spaces are taken up by a car boot , er the whole think is a nonsense and er frankly somebody should tell British Rail so er I wonder if this is Chairman a shot across the bows of er rail privat privatisation and if it is I welcome it .
29 Gary Jones , 29 , strapped the device to the exhaust pipe of Phillip Redmond 's van and when he drove off it exploded .
30 I pulled up outside Tremayne 's house and while I put on my socks again she said she would come in for a while for company , ‘ to cure the trembles ’ .
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