Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] in [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A baby conceived by in vitro fertilization in this way is as genetically related to its father and mother as a normally conceived baby , and the technique is widely accepted as ethically acceptable , although not , of course , by the Catholic Church , for the reasons that have been mentioned above .
2 The creation of a deletion at the TCR- β locus in embryonic stem ( ES ) cells has been described .
3 Erm there is a disused aer aerodrome in this area , but it is in in itself to a great ex extent assimilated into the farmland around the area .
4 Resolving the species/variation question in this way was the first step towards introducing the world to the theory of evolution .
5 Well it 's obvious that any er settlement in that area would have an impact on the A sixty four as that 's the only access into that area .
6 Therefore , the factor(s) responsible for the enhanced IgG1 response in ulcerative colitis appeared to be present also in healthy twins .
7 Conversely , our data strongly suggested a substantial genetic impact on the preferential local IgG1 response in ulcerative colitis .
8 and then I thought well I ca n't cos , I 've got er calculator in this bag and I have n't got it on me you see .
9 If you look in other parts of Europe Luxembourg and the Republic of Ireland for example , the figures are as low as thirty six thousand and a hundred and sixty one thousand electors per member er respectively so the precise sizes of the constituencies is not the most material er issue in this case .
10 ‘ THE ORIOLES probably started the whole R&B scene in black music .
11 I think this is not just a problem in Kent , I think that there has been a erm an undue er move in this direction nationally , er for what ever reasons public policy was very much about keeping people out of the courts , er I suspect that this is er er a policy which is of doubtful philosophical underpinning .
12 But the underlying purpose , that of reducing unnecessary bureaucracy , stripping away the red tape which hinders enterprise and good er governance in this country , is something that the government is very committed to and we intend to promulgate that doctrine throughout all the areas and that of course is being taken forward in legislation .
13 In other words , vascular count is a significant , independent prognostic er indicator in this group of invasive bladder cancers .
14 The movie-buffish Sight And Sound magazine concluded solemnly that Catwoman and Batman shared ‘ the strangest S&M relationship in mainstream cinema ’ while the tabloids let out rather more energetic caterwauls of appreciation .
15 Turn right into er what is a very busy er road in any event at that time but that the dangers is that many drivers are becoming impatient with waiting their turn in the queue and what they 're doing is driving down on the wrong side of the road in order to utilise a little back road that 's a service road which runs alongside road and leads into Nightingale avenue .
16 I do , I 'd , you know , from that point of view , as regards er health in this kind , but to know that you 're covered rather
17 It was I think because the powder was er pushed by the , the er company in Third World hospitals , and when the mothers went out they had n't got safe water to mix it with .
18 These bodies My Lords are after all precepting authorities and I think it crucial that those who 've been elected by their local communities should be in a clear majority and I sympathise very much with the er proposition in this regard , set out in the Noble Lord , Lord 's Amendment number twenty-one .
19 These changes in society seem irreversible , especially when the household 's standard of living comes to depend more on the wife 's income in dual earner households ( 60 per cent of all households with two adults under retirement age in 1987 , compared with 52 per cent in 1973 ) .
20 The Court said that Savory Milln may have felt some anxiety and even suspicion as to how Mr Ferriday had arranged for the £13.5m to be paid on his behalf , but it was going too far to say that any honest and reasonable man would have inferred that Mr Ferriday had misappropriated Eagle 's money in gross breach of his duty as a director or that any honest and reasonable man would not have applied the money , as Savory Milln did , in discharge of sub-underwriting liabilities until he had been satisfied that the monies were properly paid .
21 — If he got the answers he expected , that Rhoda had kept William Egan 's money in some hiding place and that Roxie had been looking after her brother 's moneybags , and that all three women had been spending what they were supposed to be hoarding , then he knew what was causing the atmosphere he had picked up at Roxie 's house .
22 Most US media-watchers agree that Hall 's exposure in that film had much to do with his landing a primetime podium of his own .
23 By the flickering light of a hundred or more paper spills , and with no small straining of the eyes , I had read things to haunt the most sceptical , least imaginative mind , even on a summer 's afternoon in good company .
24 The milk 's small fat globules make it highly digestible — almost as good as goat 's milk in this respect — and at least one farm is specialising in Red Poll cheese for export .
25 Bishop 's change in theological position and his abandonment of monastic life both caused sorrow to his community .
26 ( 1983 ) found that changes in real GDFCF by firms between 1962 and 1980 were not strongly related to the previous year 's change in real consumer spending or demand .
27 In spite of Amritsar , he announced himself willing to co-operate with the Montagu-Chelmsford reforms which were unveiled at the end of the year , and only changed his mind as the degree of Dyer 's support in British public opinion was borne in upon him , and as he began to find himself isolated by the more radical elements in Congress , who had either already lost their faith in the British , or had never had any .
28 And , just as an effective fishing lure may be fabricated from cheap , shiny metal , it is generally possible to summarise a commercial movie 's hook in one sentence .
29 And , just as an effective fishing lure may be fabricated from cheap , shiny metal , it is generally possible to summarise a commercial movie 's hook in one sentence .
30 From this , in 1941 Lieutenant-Commander R. T. Gould , RN , was able to plot Smith 's course in great detail , round New South Shetland and from Tower Island to the South Orkneys .
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