Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] be that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Er Chairman thank you erm the wording which we 've been erm given by Mr erm refers to erm in particular those matters where uncertainty of responsibility between various agencies needs to be addressed erm as far as this committee is concerned of course , erm our erm er role is that as a strategic planning authority and er I 'm quite sure that there will be erm an analysis after the event erm most likely by the Fire and Public Protection Committee who , to whom emergency planning erm are answerable and it 's the Emergency Planning Team who shoulder our responsibilities as a County Council erm and er any implications then for the Strategic Planning Committee will no doubt be taken into .
2 Eck 's defence was that of ‘ operational necessity ’ , i.e. that if he did not destroy all traces of the sinking , his boat would be in grave danger of itself being sunk by Allied aircraft in the morning , as had happened to his four predecessors .
3 The plaintiff 's case is that despite the difficulty with the landlord 's consent at the time the contracts were signed , it was made clear to them by Mr at this stage that that ought to be a formality and no one anticipated to expect this .
4 My Lord the er plaintiff 's case is that as a result of the advice that he was given by Mr er it was clear to him that he had no way out of this contract , that he was committed to it and that he had no choice but to proceed with the matter and there was then er further discussion on the telephone on this day , Friday , between Mr and Mr to where they were going here and Mr said he would now write to the plaintiff setting out what his options were to him and the letter than was sent by Mr was dated the twenty second of October and the letter , the relevant terms of this letter are set out in a statement of claim expressing at paragraph three eleven of this statement saying and of course er that is admitted by the er defendant .
5 Another factor which may influence a firm 's decision is that of competition from other firms in the same line of business .
6 Celie 's loss is that of her illegitimate children .
7 Against this background , it is hardly surprising that the example of bureaucratic inertia uppermost in Waldegrave 's mind is that of ‘ big physics ’ .
8 Schattschneider 's analogy is that of a fight between two people .
9 Leopold 's tragedy was that of a parent whose cherished child spurns his advice in adolescent rebellion ; but , unlike , for example , Alessandro Scarlatti , another musician father with a son more brilliant than himself , Leopold could never quite bring himself to untie the emotional leashes and allow his own ‘ young eagle whose wings are grown ’ to find his own way in the world .
10 Robert Francis QC , counsel for the Airedale NHS Trust , said Tony 's condition was that of a persistent vegetative state ‘ little more than a living death ’ .
11 Chaucer 's self-image is that of a writer , and he reflects upon it by exploring extremes in literature .
12 ‘ The manufacture which forces itself upon a stranger 's eye is that of knit-stockings , on which the women of the lower class are visibly employed . ’
13 Erm my Lord that trial bundle two in part A , my Lord , trial bundle three of part A erm , comprises expert evidence from two accountants er one from each side and my Lord the er evidence of the erm plaintiff 's accountant is that of Mr whose report appears in this bundle and the defendant 's .
14 This one was a joint invitation ; alongside Pete 's name was that of Alina Peterson , the Russian girl 's newly-adopted identity .
15 The fact of the matter is , carp are an endangered species , and everyone knows that the only diet they will accept if the winter has been especially harsh and the spring turns wet before St Oursin 's Day is that of young minced Wolf Cub .
16 The song 's agony is that of the spirit chafing against the straitjacket of sexual identity .
17 This particular social context , in which the magistrate 's role is that of questioner , ensures a high concentration of naturally occurring relevant data .
18 Penn 's role was that of a rookie cop who believes that the only way to fight violence is with violence .
19 Lorne 's role was that of Gary , the nogoodnik father .
20 Our earliest play-text of The Winter 's Tale is that of the First Folio , also of 1623 , and whether this represents a play-text from the missing licensed text or a later version we do not know .
21 In the second part of the novel ( p. 216 – 22 ) the narrator 's voice is that of a detached , quasi-scientific observer .
22 Macedo 's line is that of Chico Mendes , for whom saving the rainforest went hand in hand with saving the way of life of its people and improving their lot .
23 Scott-Scobie 's strength was that of the Foreign Office , faceless but continuous while PM 's came and went like lantern slides .
24 In many of the cases brought against experts , where full arbitral status did not seem appropriate , the expert 's immunity was said to derive from the fact that the expert 's status was that of a " quasi-arbitrator " , or that the expert was " in the position of an arbitrator " , or that an expert was " in the nature of an arbitrator " .
25 Ironically the most modern tunnel in BR 's possession is that under the Pennines at Woodhead .
26 The author 's aim is to create , the editor 's position is that of midwife .
27 Eck 's reputation was that of a sophist or dialectician rather than a profound thinker but in his day he exercised tremendous influence .
28 Christ 's death was that to an immeasurably greater degree .
29 In Russia the machine 's value was that of its precious metal content ( Hobby , 1993 : 48 ) .
30 Conneau 's reward was that of an appointment as chief physician , a post which he kept , in some form , until the Emperor 's death in January 1873 .
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