Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] [be] that it " in BNC.

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1 The US State Department 's response was that it needed to see the blueprints on European defence before it could think of pouring concrete .
2 The problem with Hellige 's formulation is that it can be used to explain any particular pattern of results but can not readily predict them since the nature and difficulty of both primary and concurrent tasks needs to be taken into account .
3 The Prime Minister 's formulation is that it is for the other 11 member states now to demonstrate to us in watertight treaty terms that the right of all member states to determine their own foreign policies is not being abandoned or abdicated .
4 If the LEA 's decision is that it should determine the provision that should be made , it must make a statement of the child 's special educational needs , in a form prescribed by regulation .
5 The remarkable feature of Kallibunker 's fur was that it completely lacked the usual long guard hairs found on all other cats .
6 Second , the special quality of erm Milton 's preparation is that it was perfectly compatible with an act of life .
7 If it can keep up the pace , ICL 's hope is that it could overtake IBM in the UK by 1996 .
8 Labour 's promise in last August 's election was that it would turn its prodigeous energies to social services in its second term .
9 This solution induces vertigo if one thinks in terms of a self-contained realm of observation and inference ; does it mean that the most you can say of Einstein 's physics is that it has not yet been refuted , which can be said equally of ‘ Unicorns exist ’ ?
10 A major part of the paper 's thinking was that it could employ people who would have been good journalists if they had pursued journalism as a conventional career .
11 The true significance of the People 's Plan is that it is a model of democratic participation , challenging the authoritarianism of the developer 's proposal .
12 One objection to the BBC 's plan is that it would occupy the whole band from 88 to 108 MHz , leaving no room for new developments such as ‘ community radio ’ .
13 The only criticism one might make of the Labour party 's proposal is that it is not large enough .
14 In the foreign ministry , as in Brussels , the line against Mr Brunner 's campaign is that it is a slight joke by somebody who , when working in the EC 's headquarters , ‘ spoke no foreign languages properly and never understood how the Community works ’ .
15 I am grateful for my hon. Friend 's comments , because the significant fact about St. Ivel 's sponsorship is that it is a perfect example of sponsorship working very well and of the use of the business sponsorship incentive scheme , which I just mentioned .
16 The advantage of the pen system in Eo 's machine is that it does away with the keyboard , so enabling applications to be written for all language forms — non-Roman script like Japanese or Arabic for instance .
17 BA 's contention is that it and other airlines are heavily subsiding smaller AOC operators .
18 The first major problem with Fforde 's work is that it equates collectivism with socialism , which is as historically wrong as it is jejune .
19 One of the oddities of Foucault 's work is that it seems riven by an internal tension — for example , as peter Dews notes , while on the one hand Foucault lays claims to a form of objectivity in his archaeology , and eschews interpretation in favour of ‘ intelligibility ’ , on the other hand throughout his life he was also prone to endorse a Nietzschean insistence on the interminability of interpretation .
20 The importance of Cockburn 's work was that it integrated studies of local political activity into this wider view of the capitalist state .
21 What is curious about Carnot 's work was that it was done using the obsolescent theory that heat was a weightless fluid , driving a steam-engine like water driving a water-wheel .
22 The outstanding feature of black parents ' relationship with their children 's sport is that it does not exist .
23 Sudjic 's point is that it exists , and any attempt to plan , ameliorate or build in it has to grasp this fact .
24 And Hume 's point is that it is impossible to have any reason for that last belief .
25 Perhaps the most interesting point which arises from McCullough 's article is that it needed to be said .
26 The good thing about the president 's intervention is that it publicly recognised a problem that needed solution the very antithesis of WRU custom and practice for most of the past dozen or more ostrich era .
27 The worst thing about Pet 's body was that it had been badly crushed below the waist .
28 Aluminium 's attraction is that it is stronger so the supporting sections are generally more narrow , allowing more light into the conservatory and offering a less obstructed view .
29 Finally , one major gap in Oakeshott 's theory is that it says nothing about the fundamental issue of how societas may be reconstituted in the modern age .
30 The problem with Darwin 's theory was that it reduced evolution to a chapter of accidents .
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