Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] [noun] and she " in BNC.

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1 St Ebba 's , the maternity hospital , was a good way farther down North River Street from Hilderbridge General , but there had been no room left in St Ebba 's car park and she had used the car park of the rambling , foinstone , turreted building that had once been the Three Towns workhouse .
2 As his eyes locked with hers , Ashley 's colour rose and she began to feel harassed .
3 We 've got to do er , we were doing these Mother 's Day cards and she said , oh we 've got to ta , the curriculum has changed now
4 Laura 's learning German and she 's at school
5 The body 's centre line and she equated that and what she said was in terms of the hands that people who were open and positive communicators used on average more symmetrical open palm gestures than individual or closed palm gestures non-symmetrical .
6 She heard Mrs Hollidaye 's voice answer and she pressed Button A to let the pennies clatter through and they were connected .
7 If you were a Kalkadoon woman you would call your father 's mother babi and she would call you babi in return .
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