Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] [coord] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 After the banquet , other French experts had Created a son et Lumiere spectacle and a fireworks display .
2 which we certainly were n't doing , were we , in the last last year er review and the mechanics of the fax service we already thought that took up a lot of hours you know just putting , faxing them through , receiving them
3 Two concerns that that I do have are one in in relation to the er criterion and the safeguards that might also be be put in place with the policy .
4 Right what about the er recruiting and the police cover ?
5 We 've looked at the current number of users , where they live , the journey times that they have often provided by us on tra transport and the possibilities of where we can relocate them and clearly we have a number of centres in the Nottingham er conurbation which will be made available to those users from Beaver Vale .
6 And we 'll do the whole lot altogether the er traffic and the trains and planes in full every day on the county 's favourite at ten past one .
7 They had to see that they were provided with milk and butter and eggs and er venison and the rabbits and things for their food .
8 The court , whether High Court , quarter sessions or a court of summary jurisdiction , retains full jurisdiction over all matters before it until sentence , that is , until the final adjudication of the matter ; and the reasoning in Sheridan 's case and the cases of Grant [ 1936 ] 2 All E.R.
9 The question has been so controversial because of uncertainty about the law relating to arbitrators and experts generally and because of the differences between the consequences of an expert 's decision and the consequences of an arbitration award .
10 In the public sector , both Queen 's University and the Arts Council of Northern Ireland remain our staunch and indispensable friends — as they have been since the Festival started , and since last year they have been joined by the Belfast City Council .
11 The programme is structured in such a way that on-going evaluation is simple and results can be reflected on from time to time by the Family Development Nurse and Community Mother so that the monthly visit to the family which is the main focus of the programme for achieving goals can be adapted to each family 's level and the issues that are discussed are relevant , nonjudgemental , and supportive of the parents ' own ideas and recognises the parents ' desire to do what is best for their children .
12 The Captain 's mirth over the Butcher 's Assistant 's love-life and the reasons therefore reached the ears of the Old Stager as he settled down in his deckchair to relish a happy evening 's criticism of his own team .
13 A basic concern for wholeness ( a ) to be able and willing to reflect in depth about the totality of life 's experience and the views one comes across .
14 Cumbria has strong literary associations , and many thousands of tourists come each year to visit Wordsworth 's cottage and the scenes frequented by the Lakeland Poets , not to mention the originals of the Beatrix Potter stories .
15 Inside , it houses a basement studio , Saunderson 's apartment and the apartments of his fellow producers and childhood friends Derrick May and Juan Atkins , who along with Saunderson are the pioneers of Detroit 's new electronic house sound techno .
16 Wind whipped at Duvall 's hair and the lapels of his greatcoat as he squinted out into the rain-slashed darkness , trying to see what in hell had happened .
17 Rosie , who was least capable of resisting , heard several minutes of the tremors in Ruby 's fingers and the palpitations of Ruby 's heart and the pictures flashing through Ruby 's mind before Rain propelled Ruby out of the room .
18 Another incongruity was that between de Gaulle 's ambition and the resources at his disposal .
19 In a two page epilogue the author merely states that nowadays students begin not with a description of chemicals and reactions but by learning Schrödinger 's equation and the shapes of orbitals .
20 He moved the coat aside , quickly lifted Emilia 's skirt and the petticoats beneath , then drew them down again .
21 Erm , I work for Scottish Women 's Football and the plans we have for this year erm , shall hopefully encourage more women to come into the sport .
22 Horace Walpole also had a villa at Twickenham , Strawberry Hill ; but he seems to have been inspired less by the Palladian principles of his neighbour 's house than by Pope 's grotto and the sensations of his garden .
23 Were , we 're not attached to any sort of department , like housing or leisure , were actually in the organisation , were in the general management department and were not alone erm , the planning er originally the general manager 's department and the winners and equality unit are in that department as well and the general manager has his own erm policy , officer and secretarian , so were in the general manager 's department and in other Council 's that would be known as the Chief Executive Department .
24 Now the German soldiers stared suspiciously at Sharpe 's strange uniform until one of the troopers saw the Imperial ‘ N ’ on the horse 's saddle-cloth and the sabres rasped out of their metal scabbards as the horsemen shouted at Sharpe to surrender .
25 As things stand , they are required to balance their own views , the local authority 's policy , the head 's guidance and the imperatives of the national curriculum in their school 's curriculum statement .
26 She glanced towards the window to catch a glimpse of Mrs Hollidaye 's car but the windows , though clear glass , gave on to an enclosed garden with bare rose bushes poking up like black twigs through the slush .
27 Mr Ciampi can count on the support of the other members of Mr Amato 's coalition and the Republicans , Greens , and , presumably , the PDS ( though there were rumblings of revolt from the left of the party when its leader , Achille Occhetto , gave his support ) .
28 The political instability surrounding the new parliament , created both by the vigour of the DPP 's opposition and the conflicts within the KMT , vitiated the government 's capacity to deal with a range of social and economic problems .
29 By 1918 North Shields was a clear locale of modern organized capitalism with very large industrial establishments in Smith 's Dock and the docks of the Tyne Improvement Commission , with a highly organized capitalist class , particularly in shipping and in urban development , and with a working class organized around production in trade unions and reproduction through ad hoc organizations , especially around housing .
30 It was accepted without question , even by the Copts , that Zoser had been the Zikr 's killer and the Moslems were pleased that the matter had ended in such a satisfactory and clean-cut way .
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